This TiddlyWiki contains the following tiddlers:
- ChanceAndRamdomness
- HuamnsWantUnambiguityClosureConnections
- informational goal
- WeCanLearnThingsAboutHumanBehavior.
- Why do some forms of cognitive dissonance make people double down while others make them change their minds?
- "I could be wrong" isn't substinative
- [to learn
- [to read
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- 20th century
- 20th Century Russian Thought
- 20th century Russian urban policy
- 21stCentury
- 25 Concepts in Anthropology
- 4e cognitive science
- 60s
- 7 Up (the whole series)
- 9/11
- a cave
- A Day of Sketching
- A Doll's House
- a hundred "no"s for every "yes"
- a meaningful study of difference pre-supposes similarity
- a mind so rare
- A Modest Proposal
- A more challenging choir says you “should know how to sight read.”
- a page or two of educational botanical illustrations of imaginary abstract shapes seen from different angles
- A Pattern Language
- a posteriori
- a priori
- a priori, a posteriori, analytic, synthetic
- A Psalm of Life Longfellow
- A Short History of Nearly Everything
- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
- A Universe from Nothing
- aartsInferencePersonalAuthorship2005
- abductive
- abetter world for humans
- About to go to the dentist
- absolute
- absolute good
- absorbed
- absorption
- abstract
- Abstract
- abstract to concrete
- absurd
- absurd coping
- Academia
- accent
- Accept
- acceptance
- access
- Accurate
- accurately predicting how likely we are to be right
- achiever cs
- Achilleus becomes human in the Iliad
- acquired taste
- act
- acting comfort
- action
- ActionsIntentionsSelfAssessment
- activator cs
- active
- active learning
- actively open minded thinking scale
- activity theory
- Actor
- actor social status
- ad
- ad hoc
- Ada Nabokov
- Adam Smith
- add
- add chamber music from this list
- addiction
- additive theories of rationality
- additive theory of consciousness
- addMissingTiddlers
- admire
- adolescence
- adolescence as culture-bound syndrome
- Adorno
- Adorno and Horkheimer
- ads work through cultural inception
- adult
- advantage of imitation
- Adventure
- adversarial division of labor
- advertising
- advice
- advocacy planning
- aesthetic
- Aesthetics guided readings
- aesthetics of temporary architecture
- aesthetics of the fake
- affect
- affective forecasting
- affirmative action
- affirmative action race or class
- African American
- African philosophy
- afternoon snacks
- again
- agape
- agatha christie
- Agatha Christie
- age
- age and success
- agency
- agent
- aggression
- Agnes Callard
- agnonism
- agora
- Agree
- agreement
- agreement attraction
- agricultural deal
- agriculture
- AI
- Akrasia
- akrasia is impossible
- Alexander Potebnya (1835-1891)
- Alexander the Great
- Alexander's The Timeless Way of Building
- Alfred Adler
- algorithm
- algorithms make life better
- alienated labor
- alienation
- Alison Gopnik
- alive
- All About Eve
- all interaction is simply memes replicating
- all philosophy is a footnote to Plato
- all relationships are political
- all social theorists are wrong
- all things are equally alike and equally different
- Alone
- altered states of consciousness
- alternative explanation
- alternative Freudian system
- altruistic
- Amateur
- ambiguity
- Ambiguity
- ambiguity vs risk
- ambiguous
- ambition
- America
- American Experiment
- American individualism
- american politics
- amoral
- An Elusive Science
- analog and digital
- analogy
- Analytic
- analytic philosophy
- analytic philosophy chronology
- analytical cs
- Anarchism
- anarchist urbanism
- Anarchy
- anaximander
- anchor
- Anchoring
- anchoring bias
- ancient Greece
- ancient Rome
- Ancient view of curiosity
- andy warhol
- angel
- Anger
- animal
- Animal
- animal and human
- animal welfare
- Anki
- AnkiRussianToAdd
- Annoying
- anomie
- AnotherContext
- answer to Descartes
- Answers
- antagonism
- anthropology
- Anthropomorphism
- anthropomorphizing culture
- anti-urbanism
- AntiBias
- AntiBiasTraining
- antibiotic resistance
- anticipate
- anxiety
- anxiety over social change
- anyone lived in a pretty how town
- apex lab
- apolitical
- aporia
- apparent good
- AppealToAuthority
- appearance
- applying cultural relativism to itself
- Appointment with Death
- apprenticeship system
- approaches to taking stem courses
- appropriate
- Aquinas
- arational
- arbitrary
- archetectural patterns from hallway image
- architectural and spatial beauty saves a building from destruction
- architecture
- ArchitectureIdeas
- archytype] lonely artist. For Shklovsky, the image of a demon instead of an ordinary sad man is an example of estrangement that helps us see people around us without automation. This is the opposite of the interpretation of [[Symbolism
- are animals conscious
- are changes driven by structures or individuals
- are dreams real
- are humans rational
- are ideas dangerous?
- are intentionality and consciousness the same thing
- are minds brains
- are only second order mental states truly conscious states?
- are people culpable for their crimes
- are the laws of nature logically neccessary
- are we individuals when we're on autopilot
- Arendt
- AreThereNeccessaryMysteries
- argument
- argument from ignorance
- argument from illusion
- Aristippus
- Aristocracy
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- armchair studies
- Arms and the Man
- arranger cs
- Arrow's voting theorem
- art
- art and nature excluded middle
- art and politics
- art and reality
- art culture
- art deco
- art for art's sake
- art is about showing us alternative ways the world could be
- art is communication
- art is inherently revolutionary
- art is thinking in images
- art nouveau
- Art of Ritual
- Art of the East: China. Autumn 2024
- ArtAndNature
- artifact
- artificial
- Artificial
- artificial intelligence
- artist
- ArtisticScandals
- arts and crafts
- arts mag fake profundity memory
- ascetic
- asecular age
- AsimovTheRelativityOfWrong
- ask subjects if they are influenced by a bias
- aspiration
- assert
- associate
- associative learning
- associative memory effect
- asymmetrical weapon
- asymmetry in predicting our own and other's behavior
- at a pop concert in November/ December
- atheism
- Atheist
- Athens
- Atkinson Shiffrin Memory Model
- atmosphere
- atom
- Atom
- atomic notes
- Attachment
- Attempt
- attention
- attention and consciousness
- attention is about optimization
- attentional blindness
- attitude
- attractors in interpretations
- audience
- Audience
- audience design
- Augustine
- authentic
- Author
- author narrator mix up
- authoritarianism
- authority
- AuthorityAndSubversion
- Auto
- Autocatalytic
- Automatic
- automatized
- autonomy and culture
- autopilot
- Auzan
- AvailabilityBias
- avant-guard
- average
- avoid fooling ourselves
- Awakening from the Meaning Crisis
- aware
- aware of internal questions
- Axial Revolution
- axial theology
- axiom
- Ayer
- babble and prune
- Babette's Feast
- BabyBoomers
- Bachelard The Poetics of Space
- backfire effect
- background theories
- Bacon
- bad habits are hard to teach away
- baderawarenessbothglobal2024
- baderAwarenessBothGlobal2024
- badging
- bait
- BakerVSeldon
- Bakhtin
- Bakhtin Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics
- Balance
- balcetisconsideringsituationwhy2013
- balcetisConsideringSituationWhy2013
- Banality of Evil
- bandwagon bias
- Barcelona
- Barcelona transformation
- baroque
- base rate
- base rate neglect
- basecamp how we communicate
- basic fact about being human
- basic problem of speech learning
- basic problems of pattern recognition
- BatsonShawEvidenceAltruismPluralismProsocialMotives1991
- Baudrillard
- bauhaus
- bawdy humor
- Bayes
- Bayesian analysis
- Bayesian brain
- Bayesian Epistemology
- be around people who are better than you
- be around people who you want to emulate
- be careful with scientific theories that seem too intuitively apealling
- be careful with scientific theories that seem too intuitively appealing
- beautiful
- beautiful things in the art institute of chicago
- beauty
- beauty is objective
- beauty is subjective
- beauty of science
- become
- Becoming
- becoming a vampire
- becoming human
- Before they had the technology to build real multi-story buildings, Chinese architects built faux multi-story buildings around tumulus mounds
- begin
- beginner and master
- behavior
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- behavioral testing of cognitive models
- behaviorism
- being
- Being
- being able to talk to anyone
- being an island
- being human means being free
- being human means knowing we will die
- being lucky means noticing opportunities
- being mode and having mode
- Being-in-the-World
- BeingGoodAtSomethingHappensSoonerThanYouThink
- BeingRight
- belief
- belief in growth
- believable
- believe
- Belinsky introduction to Petersburg: The Physiology of a City
- bell curve
- Bely: "Symbolism as a Worldview" 1903
- BemSelfPerceptionTheory11972
- ben franklin effect
- benefit
- Benefit
- benefit of affected politeness
- benefit of different angles
- benefit of disagreement
- benefit of imperfect model
- benefit of patriotism
- benefit of the doubt
- benefitof literary criticism
- benefits of death
- benign violation
- benign violation theory
- benitez-burracohowwhylanguages2024
- Bentham
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- Berlin wisdom paradigm
- Berman’s All That is Solid Melts Into Air
- best of all possible worlds
- betrayal
- better to be loved
- better-than-average effect
- betting market
- Bi-directional links
- bias
- bias bias
- bias blind spot
- biased assimilation
- biases are misapplications of bayesian reasoning
- biases are the flip side of vitally important heuristics
- biases disappear with different wording
- biases unconscious or conscious
- Bible
- bibliography
- Bibliography Table
- BibTeX import error
- bicameral mind
- bidirectional neuronal communication
- big bang
- big five
- big picture
- bigger cities are better for the environment
- bilingual self
- BinzCentaurFoundationModelHumanCognition2024
- bioeconomics
- biological
- biological specialization for language
- biology
- Biomechanics and Bioengineering
- bipolarity in spatial and social structure
- Birth
- black and white
- black box
- Black death
- Black Death
- black swan
- Black Swan
- black_circle.svg
- blame
- Blandings
- blank slate
- blanket toss
- BlendEdAmericanPolitics
- blind analysis
- blind spot
- bloodletting
- bodies are tied up with thought
- body
- Body
- body sense
- Bogdanov
- bollichKnowingMoreWe2015a
- Bonjour tristesse,Un certain sourire, Aimez-vous Brahms... Françoise Sagan
- Book of the Courtier
- Books
- Boole
- bootstrapping
- boredom
- boredom as immoral
- boredom taboo
- Borges Fictiones
- Borges Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote
- Borges The Aleph
- Borges The Library of Babel
- Borges The Lottery in Babylon
- Borges Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
- Borges' Funes the Memorious
- Boring
- bottom up
- BounceOffOf
- boundary
- Bourdieu
- bourgeois revolution in crisis
- bovenchapterthreechanging2013
- bovenChapterThreeChanging2013
- brain
- brain region
- brain training
- brains create meaning
- brains don't process information
- Brainstorm
- brainstorms
- brainwash
- BrannickLaCroixBlinkingIndexesDynamicAttendingMusic2024
- Brave
- break
- break down
- break frame
- break with the past
- breakdown
- breast
- Brentano
- Bribe
- Bribes
- bring the problem into the room
- broad and specific
- broadly knowledgeable
- Brocca
- Brocca's area
- Bronze Age
- Bronze Age Collapse
- bronze casting
- Brothers Karamazov
- bucket list
- Buddhism
- buddhism and hedonistic imperative
- buehlerExploringPlanningFallacy
- buffer time
- built environment
- bullshit
- bullshitting as opposed to lying
- burden of proof
- Bureaucracy
- burke
- business
- butterfly effect
- by creating an abstract standard language all dialects are equal
- bystander
- Cabaret
- calendar
- CalendarHeatmap
- calibrate
- calibration
- calibration of credence levels can be trained
- CalibrationOfCredenceLevelsCanBeTrained
- Calvin and Hobbes
- Calvinism
- camel case
- Camus
- can an human exist without society?
- Can neurons change their function
- can non-sentient things deceive us
- can personalities change?
- can there be a math of society
- can virtue be taught
- can we train away bias
- can you be impulsively wise
- can you be impulsively wise?
- can you do better than index funds?
- can you get capabilities back from the peripheral when you experience other cultures?
- can you separate the philosopher from their thoughts
- can't handle the truth
- cannot be truly happy when others are suffering
- Canon
- CanScienceBeCompleted
- capacity
- capital
- Capital in the Twenty-First Century
- Capitalism
- Capitalism annihilates space
- capitalism changes our relation to time and space
- capitalism created peace
- capitalism has done good things
- Capitalism is a necessary step to Communism
- Capitalism standardizes
- car
- care
- care and feeding of Noa
- care and harm
- cargo cult science
- caring about grammar as part of identity
- Carnap
- carnival
- CarruthersHowWeKnowOurOwn2009a
- Cartel
- cassanova's memoires
- cassava
- caste
- Castells
- castration
- Catch 22
- Catcher in the Rye
- categorical imperative
- categories and concepts
- category
- Catherine the Great
- causality
- Cause
- Cautious
- caviola_moral_2024
- cellular mechanism of learning
- center
- certainty
- cervantes
- challenge
- challenge challenge record
- chamber music
- chance
- chance in success
- ChanceAndRamdomness
- change
- change the past
- change your mind
- ChangeAndStasis
- ChangeHumanNature
- Changelog
- changing
- Changing
- Changing Places
- changing your own opinion given someone elses'
- chaos
- Chaos
- character
- charisma
- Charisma
- Charity
- charivari
- Charlie's Aunt
- cheat
- ChekhovLaw
- chemical
- Chemical Engineering 101
- chenemotionregulationmental2024
- chenEmotionRegulationMental2024
- Chernyshevsky
- Chernyshevsky: Is this not the beginning of a change? (1861)
- Chess
- Chesterton's fence
- Chicago
- Chicago transformation
- Chicago World's Fair
- child
- child directed speech
- children want all the love and attention all to themselves
- Children's Questions in Cross-Cultural Perspective:
- China
- China: A History John Keay
- Chinatown
- Chinese art
- Chinese Room
- Chinese Thought From Confucius to Cook Ding Roel Sterckx
- choice
- choice blindness
- Chomsky
- Chomsky's review of Skinner's Verbal Behavior
- ChooseWhatToLearnNext
- ChoosingAnOtherUnitesPeople
- Christianity
- ChristopherWren
- ChungEtAlLimitsVerbalLabelsCognitionCategory2024
- Cialdini's persuasion strategies
- Cicero
- circular
- circumcision
- cities expanding outward or becoming denser
- city
- City Imagined City Observed 2023
- city planning process
- city state
- citystate
- civility
- civilization
- Civilization and its discontents
- civilization and state of nature
- civilization is about repressing instincts
- clarify thoughts
- clarkhonestanswersembarrassing1998
- clarkHonestAnswersEmbarrassing1998
- class
- Class
- class consciousness
- Classic essays
- classical liberalist
- classical music
- Classical video game study
- ClassicalWorld
- clean
- clear
- clever organizational systems
- clicker training
- clifton strength
- climate change deniers saying we can't be sure
- ClimateChange
- clock
- Closure
- Clothes
- code
- coercion
- coffee house
- Cogito
- cogito arguments
- cognition
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive map
- cognitive model
- cognitive models 2023
- cognitive revolution
- cognitive science
- cognitive structures of the mind don't vary across cultural and historical contexts
- coherance therapy
- coherence theory of truth
- coherent
- coherent whole
- cohort
- Coincidence
- Cold War
- collaboration
- collective
- Collective
- collective effervescence
- collective effervescence bat mitzvah
- collective effervescence for good
- collective memory
- Collective Memory
- collectivist
- College
- colonial
- colonizer culture ethics
- combinatorial explosion
- Comedy
- comedy is in everything today
- comfort with uncertainty
- comfort zone
- comic books
- coming from nothing
- coming of age
- commitment
- commitment leads to suffering but also meaning
- commodity
- common knowledge
- common sense
- communicate
- communication
- Communication
- communication cs
- communication is collaborative
- communication through octopus skin wouldn't develop abstract intelligence
- Communism
- communism and capitalism
- Communist Manifesto
- community
- community and society
- company
- comparative advantage
- comparing music and architecture
- comparison
- compatibilist
- compenhowelicitcease2022
- compenHowElicitCease2022
- competence performance distinction
- competition
- competitive
- Competitive
- Complain
- Complaint
- complaint and worry
- completed projects
- complexity of language
- complexity of language compared to other systems
- complicated
- Complicated
- Complicates
- complicit
- Compliment
- Compromise
- computation
- computer
- Computer
- computer metaphor for mind
- computer science
- ComputerScience
- con artist
- concentration
- concept
- concept recombination
- conceptual art
- ConceptWeb
- conclusion
- concrete
- concrete and abstract
- concrete fixes through basic science
- condemned to be free
- Condensed
- Condescending
- condition for self-reflection
- conditioning
- confabulation
- confidence-learning hypothesis
- confirmation
- confirmation bias
- confirmation of a theory has no information
- conflict
- conflict between utility and rationality
- conflict in Western culture between Greek rationality and Judeo-Christian revelation
- conflict mistake theory
- conflict urbanism
- conflicting goal
- conform
- conforming is hard work
- Confucius
- Confusion
- Confusionism
- conjunction problem
- Conn
- connection
- connection between transendental idealism and categorical imperative
- ConnectionBetweenCountries
- connectionism
- connectionist
- connections
- conquest
- conscious
- consciousness
- consciousness and introspection as separable
- consensus-building vs. agonism
- ConsensusPhysicalReality
- consent
- consequence
- consequentialist
- consequentializing
- ConsersationsWithM
- conservatism laziness collective
- Conservative
- conservative by nature revolutionary situationally
- Conservatives
- consider nothing human alien to me
- consistency
- Conspiracy
- conspiracy theories
- conspiracy theory
- Conspirata (Cicero #2) by Robert Harris
- constantly doing philosophy
- Constitution
- constraint
- consumer
- consumer demand
- consumerism
- contact
- contact with strangers creates new culture and technology
- contagious behavior
- contagious deception
- contemplation
- context
- context in architecture
- ContextPlugin
- contingent
- continuity
- continuous cosmos
- contract
- contradict
- contradiction
- Contradiction
- Contrarian
- contrarianism questioning reactionism revolutionary
- control
- Control of Complexity
- ControlCondition
- convenient
- convention
- convergent evolution
- conversation
- conversation is coordination
- conversation styles
- conversational style of challenging
- conversations are not allowed to stay on the same topic
- ConversationsWithAinsley
- ConversationsWithAsh
- ConversationsWithD
- ConversationsWithE
- ConversationsWithFamily
- ConversationsWithGrampa
- ConversationsWithM
- ConversationsWithZ
- ConversationWithElla
- convincing
- Cool Places to Go1
- cooperate
- Cooperate
- cooperation
- cooperative
- Coordinate
- coordinate compound bilingual
- coordination
- Cope
- Copernicus
- coping with being
- Copyright
- corpus
- Correct
- correlation and causation
- correspondence theory of truth
- corridor
- corrupt
- cosmic model of the city
- cosmos
- cost
- counterculture
- counterfactual reasoning
- Countries
- country
- courage
- Courier 1986
- Covid
- crafting an experience
- crafty
- crawling
- create
- creation
- creative
- Creative
- creativity
- creativity method
- creativity through constraint
- credence level
- credibility display
- Credit
- CRediT
- creepy
- crime
- Crime and Punishment
- Crisis
- criteria of a scientific theory
- critical
- critical mass
- critical period
- Critical Theory
- critical thinking
- criticism and compliments
- criticism of the park
- cross cultural game theory
- cross cultural psychiatry
- cross cultural trust
- cross-cultural child development
- CrossCurrents
- crowd sourced romance sanity checker
- cue
- cultivating wisdom
- cultural
- cultural change
- cultural economics
- cultural evolution
- cultural expectation of "good" emotions
- cultural misinterpretation
- cultural psychology
- cultural relativism
- cultural values impact economic development
- culturally contingent
- culture
- culture affects sensation
- culture bound syndrome
- culture industry
- culture is bias
- culture is like a stubborn person
- culture is not static
- Culture&Media
- cultured
- Cupid
- Cure
- curiosity
- Curious
- Curse
- curse of knowledge
- Cushman
- cushman english
- cusimanoPeopleRecognizeCondone2023
- custom
- Customizable header
- cyclical
- Cynic
- Cyrano de Bergerac
- d
- D'Andrade
- DailyRitual
- damage
- Dance
- danger
- danger of dissociative group think
- dangerous
- dangers of compromise in the dialectic
- dangers of using reason
- Dante
- Dark Ages
- darleybystanderinterventionemergencies1968
- darleyBystanderInterventionEmergencies1968
- Darwin
- data
- Data
- data analysis
- date
- DateList
- David Harvey
- day of cleaning
- day of introspection
- DayOfMuseums
- DayOfTimeTracking
- de dicto and de re
- deal
- death
- Death and Life of Great American Cities
- death gives life meaning
- death itself isnt painful
- DeathOfThe
- debate
- debiasing
- DeBlasio
- debt
- debunk
- Decameron
- deceit
- decentralization
- deception
- deception has an undeservedly bad reputation
- decision
- Decision Journal
- declarative
- Decline and fall of Rome
- Declinism
- decontextualize
- decoration
- deductive
- deep
- default
- defense
- defer
- defining commitment
- definition
- definitions of freedom
- dehumanize
- DelanceyPlace
- delayed gratification
- Deleuze
- deliberative polling
- Delta rule
- Deluze
- demand
- democracy
- Democracy
- democracy and epistocracy
- democritus
- demography
- density
- denver bullet study
- deontology
- deontology is moral confabulation
- depression
- depth
- derive everything from the absolute
- Descartes
- describe
- Describe
- describing something changes it
- descriptive
- DescriptiveGrammar
- descriptivist grammar
- Desease
- design a beautiful succulent french garden
- design functionalism
- desire
- desire for truth
- Despotism
- Destiny Disrupted
- destruction
- destruction is creative
- detail
- detattchment
- Determined
- Deterministic
- develop
- development
- development modeling
- developmentalism
- Devil
- devil's advocate
- devolopment of the scientific method
- Dewey
- dialectic
- dialectical materialism
- Dialog
- dialogue
- dichotomy
- Dictatorship
- difference
- Difference
- difference between a culture of "things cannot change" vs. "things should not change"
- difference between a lie and deception
- difference between caste and class
- difference between history and memory
- difference between religion and spirituality
- difference between self and person
- differences tragedy vs comedy
- different
- Different
- different cultural traditions are experts in different human experiences
- different selves
- different types of identity reality
- differentiation between wise reasoning and other forms of reasoning
- difficult
- Difficulty
- dignity
- dimensions, patterns, agreements, structure, syntax in the city
- Diogenes
- diplomatic
- Direction
- Disability
- DisadvantageOfContrivedSituation
- disadvantages of emotional suppression
- disadvantages of trying
- disagree
- disagreement
- Disagreement
- disagreement and the development of intellectual humility
- disapointment
- disasters
- discipline
- Discipline and Punish
- discipline cs
- disconfirmability
- discontents in capitalism feed into capitalism
- discontinuity
- discounting effort
- Discouraged
- DiscoverersBoorstin
- discoveries in the air
- Discovery
- disease
- Disease
- Disguise
- disgust
- Disgust
- dishonesty
- displacement
- disposition
- dissolving philosophical problems
- dissonance
- distance
- Distancing
- Distopia
- distopian novels are dangerous
- distract
- distributed
- distributed cognition
- diversity
- divination
- do aphasias affect thinking?
- do neuroscientists confabulate
- do warnings help us avoid biases?
- do warnings help us avoid biases?
- do we minimize surprisal or meta-surprisal?
- do you need sensory input to be conscious
- doc neuroscience
- does consciousness require self-consciousness?
- does human thought follow formal rules?
- does modernism embrace or reject uncertainty?
- does philosophy have a responsibility to change the world
- does society need desires
- Dogma
- domain
- domain expertise
- Don Quixote
- don't allow the truth to interfere with a good story
- Don't sleep, there are snakes
- Donald Davidson
- Dostoevsky
- double blinding
- doubt
- Doubt
- dovidioChangesExpressionAssessment1991
- Downton Abbey
- Draft of '$:/plugins/kookma/viewtemplates/node-explorer'
- Draft of 'Culture'
- Draft of 'GeneralAndParticular'
- Draft of 'Humanism'
- Draft of 'New Tiddler 3'
- Draft of 'NotesFromVirtueEducation'
- Draft of 'PastSelf'
- Draft of 'Socratic Intellectualism Callard Autumn 2024'
- Drake equation
- Drama
- dream
- Dream
- Dreyfus
- Drinking
- driver's license
- driving test notes
- drugs
- dual systems
- dualism
- Duck Variations
- dumbalska_reference_2024
- Dune
- dunning kruger effect
- durability
- durant lessons from history
- Durkheim
- Dutilleux Ainsi la nuit
- duty
- dynamic
- dynamic between reflection and absorbtion
- dynamical systems theory
- dyson eternal intelligence
- e. e. cummings
- each age has a preferred literary form
- each city is a unique process
- each culture is a complete system
- Early computer models (I want to know what Turing did)
- earth is inhospitable
- ease of processing and evaluation
- easier to think of mean humor than kind humor
- east germany
- eastern philosophy
- EastwickFinkelSexDifferencesMatePreferencesRevisited2008a
- easy
- echo chamber
- ECoG
- ecological rational
- ecology
- economic
- economic and organizational prerequisites for modern city transformation
- economic geography
- economics
- economics is not physics
- economics] and [[organization
- economies of scale
- economy
- edge foundation question list
- eduard bernstein
- Eduard Bernstein
- educating citizens in city use
- education
- education and experience and wisdom
- eEverydayMagicalPowers2006
- EffectAnalyzingReasons
- efficiency
- efficient
- efficient cause
- efficient market hypothesis
- effort
- ego
- Ego
- ego pampering
- ehrlingerPeeringBiasBlind2005a
- Eichenbaum
- EighteenthCentury
- Electric Brain: How the New Science of Brainwaves Reads Minds, Tells Us How We Learn, and Helps Us Change for the Better
- Electrical Engineering 101
- electricity
- elegant
- eliminative materialism
- Elisabeth's objection
- Elizabeth Anscombe
- Ellin's Postmodern Urbanism
- Eloquent
- email to professor
- EmailDrafts
- Embarrassment
- embodied
- emergence
- emergence and planning
- Emerson
- emerson history
- Emma
- emotion
- emotional control
- emotional intelligence
- EmotionalExpression
- EmotionRegulation
- Emotions
- emotions are for quick mobilization
- emotions are important
- emotions are signals
- emotions in Bali
- empathy
- empathy training
- empedocles
- empire
- Empiricism
- empiricism and idealism
- Empiricist
- Emptiness
- encoding
- enculturation
- encyclopedia
- end
- end of history
- end of the universe
- end times
- end to itself
- endorse
- endowment effect
- energy
- Energy
- energy-intensive
- Engels
- England
- England New Town
- English
- enjoy agreement dislike disagreement
- enjoy life
- enjoy thinking
- enjoying changing your mind
- enjoying problems
- enjoying truth
- Enlightened
- enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- enlightenment and humanism
- enlightenment to romanticism
- Enlightnment Now
- enstrangement
- entropy
- environment
- envy
- Envy (russian Futurist novel)
- ephemeral
- epicurean
- Epicurus
- epidemiological theory of history
- Epidemiology
- epiphenomenalism
- episodic
- epistemic and practical rationality
- epistemic humility
- epistemic injustice
- epistemic injustice in children
- epistemic norms
- epistemic peer
- epistemic statuses
- epistemology
- Epistemology
- epleyFeelingHolierThou2000
- equal
- Equal
- Equal Weight View
- Equality
- equity in active learning
- equivocating
- EricMumford
- Ernst Haeckel
- eros
- error
- error matters
- escape
- escape into the unknown
- Esperanto
- Estimate
- eternalize
- eternity
- ether
- ethics
- Ethics
- ethics of demography
- ethics of volunteering
- ethnography
- etiquette warmth
- Euclid
- Europe
- european conquest of americas
- european history
- Euthydemus
- Eve
- Events
- every politician takes office at their least skillful and most popular and leaves at their most skillful and least popular
- every revolution fails countless times before it succeeds
- every thought can be expressed in every language
- everyone desires the good
- everyone is crazy
- Everything
- everything starts as philosophy then is science then is art
- evidence
- evidence can be misleading
- evidentiary markers
- evil
- evolution
- evolution creates specialization
- evolution of self deception
- evolution repurposes
- evolutionary advantage of anxiety
- evolutionary advantage of the truth
- evolutionary anthropologist
- evolutionary disadvantage satisfaction
- evolutionary economics
- evolutionary functionalism
- evolutionary metaphors after the Darwinian Revolution
- evolutionary psychology
- evolutionary reasons for confirmation bias
- exactly as happy to refute as to be refuted
- examining hypotheses about human behavior
- example
- Example
- exception
- exchangeable
- executive functioning
- existence proceeds essence
- Existentialism
- Existentialism is in the Judeo-Christian tradition
- expatation
- expatiation
- expectation
- expected favors aren't favors
- expected information gain
- exper
- Experienc
- experience
- experience sampling
- ExperiencesUnitePeople
- experiencing and narrating self
- experiment
- experimental methods to manipulate consciousness
- ExperimentalPhilosophy
- experimenter demand
- ExperimentOnFears
- experiments to try when im next sad
- expert
- Expert
- explaining things in terms of purposes
- explanation
- Explanation
- explicit
- ExplicitAndImplicit
- explore
- explore and exploit
- Exposure
- exposure therapy
- express
- expression
- expressive suppression
- external
- external world
- externality
- extinction of desire
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
- extrapolate
- extremely specific study
- Extremes
- Facade
- face
- facial feedback hypothesis
- Facism
- fact
- fact about me
- facts and values
- Failure
- fairness
- FairyTales
- faith
- fake
- fake it till you make it
- FakeItTillYouMakeIt
- fall
- fall of the Roman Empire
- Fallacies
- fallacy
- Fallibilism
- Fallible
- FallingInLove
- false
- false belief task
- false consciousness
- false dichotomy
- false memory
- FalseConsciousness
- FalseConsensus
- FalsePositive
- falsifiable
- fame
- familiar
- family
- family resemblance
- FamilyReading
- FamilyStructures
- Famine
- famine plague and war are no longer natural
- Famous
- FanEtAlWorkingJustKnowExertingEffort2024
- Fanon
- far
- Fascism
- fashion
- Fate
- father
- Fathers and Sons
- Faulkner the weavers
- favorites
- fear
- fear fear itself
- fear of death
- fear of the unknown
- featherless biped
- federal debt doesn't matter so much
- Federalist 10
- feedback
- feedforward
- feeling
- felt sense
- female
- female circumcision
- feminism
- fence around the idea
- fence around the idea cretivity
- fense around the idea
- fermi problems
- FermiProblem
- fertile
- Feudal
- Feuerbach
- feynman method dozen questions
- Fichte
- fiction
- fictional evidence
- fictional pathetic reversal
- fields that are critical of themselves
- filter
- fin de siecle
- final cause
- Find better method of determining vocabulary size
- find version control method tiddly
- Finding new symbols and uses for an old building
- Finish uploading these music cards
- Finnegan's Wake
- fire
- first impression
- first principles
- fischhoffHindsightNotEqual1975
- five times correct to overwrite amistake
- five whys
- five year check in
- fix it immediately
- flange
- flattery
- Flexibile
- flexibility
- flexible
- Flexible
- Flinch
- flouting and flubbing
- flow
- flux
- focus
- Focus
- Focusing
- Fodor
- folk psychobiology
- folk psychology
- folklore
- folktale
- food
- Food
- fool
- Footnote
- For Esme with Love and Squalor
- for future self to think about
- force
- Force
- Ford
- foreign
- foreign language
- forer effect
- Forever
- forget
- forgive
- form
- form follows function
- formal cause
- formal system
- Formalism
- Formalists
- forme
- Forum Font
- Foucault
- Foundation
- foundation asamov
- Foundation Asimov
- four causes
- four noble truths
- four plausible but mutually inconsistent propositions
- Fourier
- frame
- frame of reference
- framing
- Framing
- France
- Franck piano quintet
- Frankenstein
- Frankfurt School
- Franny and Zooey
- frat parties as symposia
- FratAnthropologyQuestions
- fraternization
- FraudulentScience
- freakonomics
- free access to coding courses
- free market
- free speech
- free wil becoming
- free will
- free word order
- freedom
- freedom of speech
- freedom to become
- freedom vs justice
- FreedomFromAndFreedomTo
- FreeSpeech
- Frege
- freitagmakingphonatoryapparatus2024
- freitagMakingPhonatoryApparatus2024
- French
- French philosophy as a cube:
- French Revolution
- Freud
- friend
- from last voice lesson before chicago
- from nand to tetris build a computer
- from the philosophy common classrooms im teaching
- Fromm
- fully human
- fully human consciousness or autopilot
- fun
- function
- functional and descriptive theory of the city
- functional architecture
- functional role
- functional state
- functions
- fundamental attribution error
- fundamental underlying philosophy
- fundamentally what minds do is come to know things
- funeral
- future
- future science and technology
- future self
- Futurism
- Futurist
- futuristic cs
- fuzzy
- Fuzzy logic
- gadfly
- gaining knowledge from experts
- gaining knowledge takes more than one lifetime
- Galavant
- Galen
- Galileo
- gamblers fallacy
- game
- Game
- game stop
- game theory
- Gandhi
- garden
- Garden City
- garden of eden
- garden path sentence
- Garnier
- Gasparov "Meter and Meaning" 1958
- Geertz From the Native's Point of View
- geist
- Geist
- Gene
- genealogy
- general
- general and particular
- generalization
- generalized trust
- generalized trust leads to economic success
- generation
- generative grammar
- generic city
- Genesis
- genetic
- genius
- genocide
- geographical determinism
- geography
- GergelyEtAlTakingIntentionalStance12Months1995
- german idealism
- German Idealism
- german philosophy
- Germania
- germaphobe
- Gesamtkunstwerk
- gestalt
- GetSebDoing
- getting away with murder
- getting stuck on details
- gift
- gilbert and sullivan
- Gilbert Ryle
- gilbertFutureNowTemporal2002
- gilbertIllusionExternalAgency2000
- gilbertPeculiarLongevityThings2004
- gimmick
- GitHub
- Gladwell
- glial cells
- global effects of mind reaing
- global society
- global warming
- global workspace
- globalization
- gnosis
- gnostic neuron
- goal
- Goal
- goal of cognitive science
- god
- God
- god works in mysterious ways
- God-given intuitions are rational
- Godel
- Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
- Gods
- Gogol
- Gogol Overcoat
- golden age
- Goldilocks
- goldmanepistemologyevidentialstatus2004
- good
- Good
- good and bad explanation
- good and evil
- good art is ambiguous about values
- good at being evil memory
- good enough
- good explanation
- good fiction writing
- good lies
- good life
- good problems take time
- good question
- good science will sometimes be wrong
- goods
- GopnikHowWeKnowOurMinds1993
- gorilla selective attention
- gossip
- government
- Government
- government spending
- Gradual
- Graduate School
- GradyEtAlNeverthelessPartisanshipPersistedFakeNews2021a
- gradyneverthelesspartisanshippersisted2021
- gradyNeverthelessPartisanshipPersisted2021
- grammar
- Grampa
- gratitude
- graunt
- gravity
- grayson_ironic_2024
- Great American Essays Audible Logo Audible Audiobook – Unabridged
- great man
- great speeches and essays and lectures
- Greece
- GreekPhilsophy
- Greenberg's linguistic universals
- Grice
- Griceian maxim
- grit
- grossmann_social_2024
- grotesque
- grotesque aesthetics taboo humor
- grounding
- group
- group decision making
- group membership influences children's epistemic practices
- group work
- groupthink
- grow
- growth
- growth and progress
- GrowthAndProgress
- Grushin
- guggenmosHowChoiceConfidence2024
- guidance
- guide for working together on physics
- guilt
- guilt and shame
- Gullible
- gullivers travels
- guns germs and steel
- guru
- gut
- Habermas
- Habit
- habits to try
- habituate
- haehnerUnderstandingExperienceDaily2024
- hahnAwarenessImplicitAttitudes2014a
- hahnFacingOnesImplicit2019a
- Haidt
- hallway covered in fresco of everything I've studied
- halo effect
- Hamlet
- hamming question
- Handley-MinerYoungRegisteredReportHowDoesProcess2024
- Haney 1999 "An Introduction to the Russian Folktale"
- haoExpressiveSuppressionModerates2024
- happiness
- happiness is collective project
- hard problem of consciousness
- hard to fake
- harleysawitalleffectdemonstrationsvisual2004
- harleySawItAllEffectDemonstrationsVisual2004
- harmful of beneficial disagreements
- harming others harms yourself
- Harold and Maude
- Harry Potter
- Harvey's The Condition of Postmodernity
- has human evolution stopped?
- hate
- Hate
- Haussmann
- Haussmann's Paris
- have aspare
- Have fun with
- Havel's Philosophy
- having
- having meaningless social norms helps with meaningful social norma
- Hayek
- healing and upgrading
- health
- Health
- heaven
- HeaveyHurlburtPhenomenaInnerExperience2008
- Hebbian
- Hedonist
- hedonistic imperative
- Hegel
- Heidegger
- heidegger bias
- hell
- Hellenistic
- hello hello
- help
- henotheism
- heraclitus
- Herbert Spencer
- herd thinking
- hereditary
- hermeneutic circle
- hermeneutical injustice
- heuristic
- hidden brain
- hidden layer
- hierarchical Bayesian model
- hierarchy
- Hierarchy
- high art
- high art and taboo
- high availability (and higher desirability) biases, people admit to being biased
- high school
- high variance
- higher state of consciousness
- highest compliment is human
- Hilary Putnam
- hindsight bias
- Hinduism
- historical change in memory
- historical context
- historical trends
- historical truth about Socrates
- historically contingent
- Historiography
- history
- history of anthropology
- history of educational philosophy
- history of modern skepticism
- history of philosophy podcast
- History of The Communist Party of the Soviet Union
- history of the human mind
- history of thinking about the mind and brain
- history of traditions that have emerged from people trying to deal with modernity
- history to understand humanity
- Hitler
- HMS Pinafore
- hoax
- Hobbes
- Holocaust
- holocaust showed failure of culture
- holographic memory
- Holy Roman Empire
- home
- home in Walgreens
- homeostasis
- Homo Deus
- homo economicus
- Homo Sovieticus
- homogenization of culture
- homogenous
- homunculus
- Honest
- honesty in aesthetics
- hong_re-evaluating_2024
- hongReevaluatingFictionalNarratives2024
- Honor
- Horkheimer
- Horror
- hospital
- hospitality industry
- hot hand fallacy
- Hot Water
- HotZone
- hourly habits
- housing
- how all successful therapy works
- how are emotions and the body related?
- how are sensory stimuli encoded in the brain
- how can individuals be different?
- how children learn cultural norms
- how cities begin
- how culturally contingent is the experience of trauma?
- how do children acquire meaning?
- How do I access if someone is an epistemic peer
- how do interospection and introspection correlate?
- how do we ensure whatever comes after capitalism isnt worse
- how do we get knowledge
- how do we know that the left is right
- how do we know that the left is right?
- how do you know where to wire up a prosthetic arm in the brain?
- How Gogol's Overcoat is Made
- How Gogol's Overcoat Was Made
- how humans gain immortality
- how is social change possible without a colonizer?
- how minimal self moment to moment is integrated to the narrative sense of self
- how much are people from another time and place really in a different mindset from us?
- how much capitalist crisis should we put up with
- how much do i believe behaviorism
- how religious is marxism
- how seriously to take something
- how smart are animals
- how social conventions emerge
- how socially conditioned is the experience of a transformative moment?
- how to falsify introspection
- how to get in touch with reality
- How to Make Poetry, Mayakovsky 1927
- how to make societal decisions
- how to measure far away astronomic objects
- how to react to aproblem
- how to read the city
- how to relax
- how to study social change
- how to tell if a deductive argument is true
- how to tell if an abductive argument is true
- how to tell if an argument is true
- how to tell if an inductive argument is true
- how to use culture as an explanation
- how to win game theory
- how tos
- how we view space and time
- how would we be able to tell if meditation made us less in touch with reality instead of more
- HuamnsWantUnambiguityClosureConnections
- Hubel and Weisel
- human
- human ability to change
- Human Ecology
- human face
- human fear of sameness
- human force
- human language vs. animal communication
- human nature
- human need to interact with others
- human pheromones
- human right
- human rights
- human sacrifice
- humanism
- humanism and capitalism
- humanism is the belief that meaning is from human experience
- humanist
- Humanist
- Humanistic therapy
- humanities
- humanity
- humanity broke chekhovs law
- humanity is special
- humanity's next goals
- humanize
- humans are animals that wear clothing
- humans are fallible
- humans are irrational
- humans can be what we want to be
- humans want unambiguity closure connections
- humans will become gods
- HumansAskWhy
- humble
- Hume
- humor
- humor and children
- humor and communication
- humor and deception are for making communication less dangerous and more efficacious
- humor and horror
- humor and philosophy
- humor as play
- humor can reinforce or challenge
- humor in apes
- humor is a way to synchronize emotional reactions
- Hunt for Red October
- hunter-gatherer
- Husserl
- hyperbolic discounting
- hypnosis
- hypnosis increasing agency
- hypnotizability
- hypocritical
- hypothesis
- hypothetical
- I
- I am happy as long as I am doing a project. When I'm unhappy and don't feel like doing anything, I should choose a project and work on it.
- I am often one of the most loyal members of a group I am only half participating in
- I need others to help me see that the thing I'm upset about is actually not a big deal and a little interesting or funny
- I think ends justifies means
- I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
- I've changed my mind
- I’ve changed my mind
- ibn sina
- iconoclasm
- idea
- Idea
- idea journal
- idea journal current
- ideal
- ideal form
- ideal person
- ideal society
- idealism
- Idealism
- Idealist
- IdeaPerson
- Ideas
- ideas connected to you or in the water
- ideas create reality
- ideas drive history
- IdeasAirtable
- ideation cs
- ideiawarenessbeingcomputational2024
- ideiAwarenessBeingComputational2024
- identical
- identity
- identity is consistency between beliefs, behavior, attitude, and memory
- Identity theory
- identity-based motivation
- ideological self fulfilling prophesies
- ideology
- if
- if dualism is built on indoubitablity but indoubitablity presupposes dualism, it begs the question!
- if every part of the brain is involved in everything, what do we mean when we talk about specialized regions of the brain?
- if someone likes a particular kind of art, does that mean that they notice that artistic thing more or less when it occurs in their daily life
- if you dont think there has been progress before why can there be progress now
- if you havent failed...
- ignorance
- ignore
- ignore mistakes
- ihate chance
- ikea effect
- illness
- illusion
- Ilyenkov
- image
- Image
- image theory of intentionality
- imagination
- imagination games
- imagine
- Imagine
- imitation
- immediacy of communcation
- Immortal
- Immortality
- immune
- impact
- ImpartialScience
- imperative to create life
- Impersonal
- impersonal law
- implementation
- implicit
- implicit attitude
- implicit bias
- Import Bibtex
- Importance of Being Ernest
- importance of social norms
- Importances
- important
- important memories
- impossible
- improv
- improve
- in accord with nature
- In Chicago
- in Judaism it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you do the right actions
- in the image of God
- in the water
- in-group
- incentive
- Incentive
- incest
- incongruity theory
- inconsistent
- incremental progress
- Independence
- Independence Principle
- independent
- Independent Studies
- independent study with HN 2023
- indeterminate negation
- index
- index fund
- Indexing
- India
- individual
- individual and society
- individual difference
- individual psychology
- individualism
- individualistic and collectivistic societies
- individuals will be useless
- inductive
- indulgence
- industrialization
- inevitable
- inferiority complex
- inferiority of past
- infinite
- Infinite
- infinite regression
- Infinity
- Infographic on debates in Russian thought
- information
- Information Theory
- information wants to be free
- informational goal
- Informed
- infrastructure
- ingenuity
- InitialDesign
- initiation ritual
- innate drive for spirituality
- inner conflict
- inner light of god
- inner thought
- inner voices
- innovation
- innuendo
- input
- input cs
- inquiry
- insanity
- inside
- inside and outside view in sociological writing
- Insider
- InsiderKnowledge
- insight
- insight can be thought of as a form of debiasing
- inspiration
- Inspiration
- inspiration from nature
- Installation
- instinct
- Instrospection
- Instruction
- instrumental rationality
- intellection cs
- intellectual
- intellectual humility
- intellectual play
- intellectual stimulus for fascism
- intelligence
- intelligence is being a general problem solver
- intelligence without care
- Intelligent
- intensity switches sulfites and bromides
- intent
- intention
- intentional
- intentional binding
- intentionality
- interaction
- Interactivity
- interchangeability
- interconnectedness of the city
- interdependence
- interdependence and independence change meaning for cultural norms
- interdependent and independent societies
- interesting
- interior design and architecture
- interlocutor
- intermediary institution
- internal
- internal family systems
- internal locus of control
- International
- international style
- Internet
- internet effect on conspiracy theory
- interospection
- Interpersonal
- interpretation
- interpretation is a contest
- Intoxication
- intrinsic motivation
- IntrinsicValue
- introduction to the built environment 2023
- introspection
- Introspection
- introspection about actions
- introspection about emotions
- introspection about memory
- introspection about motives
- introspection and mind-reading are the same process
- introspection as problem
- introspection methodology
- introspection project 2023
- intuition
- intuition beats deliberation
- intuition is all there is
- Inuit seal hunting process
- Invention
- Investment
- Invisible Cities
- IQ
- irony
- is art what you take away from it or what the artist put into it
- is communism the end of history
- is confirmation bias a bias?
- is dante a humanist
- is Democracy good when people make choices that are bad for themselves?
- is desire for knowledge as bad as desire for money
- is hindsight bias a bias?
- is honesty important
- is innovation exponential?
- is it easier to model societies or individuals
- Is it possible to run out of storage in the brain?
- is knowledge meaningful
- is language a perfect analogy for culture?
- is language about ourselves or about others
- Is language learned or acquired?
- is love forceful?
- is man a rational animal
- is marxism falsifiable
- is math natural or artificial?
- is memory place or relation?
- is modernism grounding or ungrounding?
- is ought
- is perfect cultural assimilation as an adult possible?
- is perfect translation possible
- is pleasure an end to itself
- is satire dead
- is sunk cost a fallacy?
- is the absurd funny?
- is the backfire effect really so simple?
- is the period of the modern state coming to an end
- is the sense of your body your sense of self?
- is there a clear split between obsessives and a jacks of all trades?
- is there a link between need for meaning in life and need for spirituality?
- is there anything you can't habituate to?
- is training need for cognition important in training reflection
- is transhumanism against disability rights?
- is true introspection possible cognitive science experiment
- is wisdom perpendicular to life satisfaction
- Isaiah Berlin
- Islam
- IslamicGoldenAge
- IsNotMeantToGive
- isolation
- Israel
- issues to consider
- Italy
- Italy has never been conquered by a culture that disrespected Italy's culture
- italy russia connection
- italys rise and fall
- iterative
- ItterativeProgress
- IWasWrong
- Jabberwocky
- Jackson's the Necessity for Ruins
- Jacob Grimm (1785-1963)
- Jacobs's Death and Life of Great American Cities
- Jane Austen
- Jane Bennet
- Jara-EttingerEtAlNaiveUtilityCalculusComputationalPrinciples2016a
- jargon
- jealousy after reading a good book
- JeffPhysics
- JernEtAlPeopleLearnOtherPeoplesPreferences2017
- Jerusalem
- Jewish
- jewish zen haiku
- Johannesburg
- johanssonhowsomethingcan2006
- johanssonHowSomethingCan2006
- John Austin
- John Snow
- Johnathan Keats
- JohnWood
- jokes
- jokes are away of relieving peoples anxiety
- Journal
- journey
- Joyce
- Joyce The Dead
- Judaism
- judging quality of art by relationship between artist and observer
- judgment
- Judgmental
- Judith Butler
- JuliaGalef
- Jung
- JungStack
- JungTypesOfPeople
- just kidding disrespect
- just world bias
- JustDoIt
- justice
- justified true belief
- justify
- JustSayIt
- JustWar
- Kahn
- kairos
- Kant
- Kant and romanticism
- kant vs philosophy before
- karma
- Kartini
- keep your identity small
- kerebelOneThoughtNext2024
- KhunDanger
- Kibbutzim
- kids
- kids start lying long before they are good at it
- kids think it is impossible to act immorally
- Kierkegaard
- kin
- Kin
- Kind
- kind of learning
- kindness
- kinds of intellectuals
- kinds of prediction
- kinds of reality
- KindsOfPeople
- KingLear
- kingmaker
- Kinship
- Kitayama
- knowing the truth and avoiding error are two separate laws
- knowing what to ask when confused
- KnowItWhenISeeIt
- knowledge
- knowledge is power
- knowledge of the good
- knowledge, truth, belief, and action
- KnowThatYouKnowNothing
- Kononenko 2007 "Slavic Folklore: A Handbook"
- Koolhaas
- Korea
- kozlova_prospective_2024
- Kriegel consciousness
- Kripke
- Kripkean Dogmatism
- Kropotkin
- Krystal
- Kubla Khan by Coleridge
- Kuhn
- kuhn danger
- KurodaEtAlIndividualDifferencesSpeedAccuracyTradedrive2024
- lab
- lab meeting
- label
- labels
- labels can be harmful
- LaBerge
- labor
- Labor
- Lacan
- LaFleur
- lagnadoInsightStrategyMultiplecue2006
- Lamarck
- lamarkian
- lampshading
- Landauer's unstructured random memory model
- LanEtAlGoaldirectedNavigationStrategiesHumansDeep2024
- language
- language acquisition
- language affects sensation
- language and reality
- language and the bible
- language and the brain
- language and thought
- language as replacement for grooming
- language change
- language consists of metaphors that don’t completely correspond to reality
- language diversity and language universals
- language domesticated humans
- language game
- Language in Literature
- language is cooperative
- language is for communication
- language is for power
- language is for thought
- language is messy
- language mirrors reality
- language of deception and humor 2023
- Language of Thought
- language production
- language-specific
- language, culture, and the self coevolved
- LanguageAndTheHuman
- Lars Hall and Petter Johansson Choice Blindness Lab Lund Sweden
- Las Vegas
- Las Vegas architecture inspires me
- Last Thursdayism
- latanegroupinhibitionbystander1968
- lataneGroupInhibitionBystander1968
- LateNineteenthCentury
- latent learning
- Latin
- Latin Club
- laughter
- laughter as social signal
- laughter weapon against devil
- laurels to rest on
- law
- Law
- law of truly large numbers
- LawOfNature
- laws are unjust
- laws collection
- laws of the human mind
- lazy
- Le Comte de Monte-Cristo
- Le Corbusier
- Le Petit Prince
- Le Rouge et le noir
- leading towards the pursuit of virtue
- leaning is fun
- learn
- learn by observing
- learn by osmosis
- learn from mistakes
- learn from them
- learn history to free yourself of the past
- learn more about Gesamtkunstwerk
- Learn the names of rhetorical devices
- learn through emotional engagement
- learn through making the subject your own
- LearnByDoing
- learner cs
- LearnHowToLearn
- learning
- Learning
- learning by thinking
- learning from history
- Learning from Las Vegas
- learning is remembering
- learning makes the world a familiar part of you
- learning on deathbed
- learning through abstraction vs. learning through comparison to a concrete example
- learning through prediction
- learning to write from what ive read
- learning vs. memory
- Leave it to Psmith
- lecture
- Lecture
- Lefebvre
- Left
- leftism is not meant to give ethics
- leftist questions in the twenty first century
- legends
- legibility indexes
- leibniz
- leisure
- lemma
- lenin
- Leontev
- Lermontov
- Lessons Learned + Things to Remember
- LessWrong
- Letter
- letting go
- Levada
- level
- levels of description of cognition
- Leviathan
- Levinas
- lexical ambiguity resolution
- Liberalism
- libertarian
- libets experiment
- libido
- libido is what creates society
- lie
- Lie
- lie to yourself
- lies
- lies are more interesting than the truth
- life
- life and death
- life as a work of art
- life as comedy
- life avoids decay into equilibrium
- Life expectancy
- life extention
- life hack
- life has no meaning
- Life is Beautiful
- life is controlled chemical reactions
- life is dynamically preserving patterns
- life is more meaningful without religion
- life lessons from latin club
- life lessons from specific activites
- life lessons from violin
- life satisfaction
- life strategy
- life table
- LifechangingDiscoveries
- LifeChangingDiscoveries
- lifecycle in architecture
- LifeExtention
- light
- likelihood
- liking
- liking vs. wanting
- limb
- liminal
- limit
- limits of language
- linear
- linear algebra
- linear city
- linguistic change
- linguistic determinism
- Linguistic universals
- linguistics
- Linnaeus
- liRewardinducedMemoryDistortions2024
- List
- list други
- Litany by Billy Collins
- literacy
- literacy leading to introspection
- literal
- Literal
- literary criticism
- literary theory
- literary theory to learn
- Literate
- literature
- Literature
- literature and philosophy are at opposite ends of aspectrum of generalization
- Literature Review Poster Study 2024
- LiuEtAlNaivePsychologyDependsNaivePhysics2024
- LiuEtAlTenmontholdInfantsInferValueGoals2017
- living consciously
- loan
- location
- Locke
- locked-in
- locution illocution perlocution
- logic
- LogicalPositivist
- logicism
- logos
- London
- London transformation
- London Underground
- long term memory
- long term to do
- long-term
- look elsewhere effect
- look for ways you are wrong
- look like asuave manipulative charismatic cultured villain
- Look up temporal visualization across cultures
- looking down
- looking for a tutor or class
- loophole politics
- Lord of the Rings
- lose
- losing emotions losing humanity
- loss
- loss aversion
- lossy
- Lotman
- Lotman Conversations on Russian Culture 1986
- love
- Love and Death
- Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
- loyalty and betrayal
- Lucás
- lucid dreaming
- lumpers and splitters
- Luria
- Luther
- lying and morality
- Lynch's Good City Form
- m
- machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Machiavellian intelligence
- machine
- machine model of the city
- MacKay
- macro micro paracites
- Maddison
- magic
- magic and sorcery
- magnetism
- Maimonides
- Make a geofensing app that will tell me when im near one of the cool places i want to visit
- make a list of the skills I'm working on. Then find a coach for a one-hour lesson on some of them
- Make an RPG game that 1. makes improv, humor, and creativity from every player the centerpiece of the game 2. gets rid of elements of chance (dice) 3. Puts heavy priority on cleverness, diplomacy, silliness, and understanding psychology over mindless boring violence 4. anyone can start playing (and continue playing) without ever having to learn more than a few pages of rules
- make my own mock-cv just for fun. show how each project contributes to becoming SMCCV
- Make program that checks if i would have done better to hold on to my pokemon cards
- make the world a better place
- make the world sillier
- make-believe
- maker
- makes me happy
- making our minds more predictable
- MalcomGladwell
- male
- Malinowski
- mall
- Malthus
- Mamardashvili
- man is the rational animal
- mandate from heaven
- manipulation
- Manipulative
- mansion
- many things got worse in the Renaissance that we associate with the Dark Ages
- map territory relation
- Mapping
- Marcel Pagnol: La Trilogie Marius, Fanny, et César
- Marcuse
- Marey
- Marginalia by Billy Collins
- market
- marketplace of ideas
- Marr level
- marriage
- Martin Eden
- Marx
- Marxism
- marxism based on earlier philosophy
- marxism is self critical
- marxist definition of theory
- marxist science
- marxist urbanism
- Marxist Urbanism
- Mary Renault's Alexander trilogy
- master builder
- Master Harold and the Boys
- mataphor before abstract
- material
- material cause
- material in architecture
- materialism
- materialist
- math
- Mauss The Gift
- maximal happiness from every moment
- maximize-tiddler.png
- May December
- Mayakovsky
- MazorEtAlMazor2024pretending2024
- McCamant
- McClelland
- McCrae
- McDowell
- McEwan
- McEwan My Purple Scented Novel
- McGhee
- McNaill
- McNeill
- meaning
- meaning comes from truth conditionality
- meaning crisis
- meaning in linguistics
- meaning is dialogic
- meaning of life
- meaning of life wittgenstein
- meaning shapes what we perceive even at early stages of perception
- meaning through projection into the future
- MeaningOfife
- means of production
- means to an end
- measure
- Measurement
- Mechanical
- Mechanical Engineering 101
- mechanical explanations
- MechanicalMode
- mechanism
- media
- media studies
- mediate
- Medicine
- medieval
- meditation
- meditation and contemplation
- medium
- Mega-urbanism
- meisner technique and other theater techniques
- meme
- memorial
- memory
- memory in urbanism
- memory integrates information
- memory is long term potentiation
- memory is not storage
- memory palace
- memory reconsolidation
- memory reconsolidation therapy behavioral and brain sciences
- meno plato
- Meno's paradox
- mensch
- mensheviks and bolsheviks
- mental
- mental functionalism
- mental health crisis
- mental illness
- mental imagery
- mental kingdom
- mental model with reach
- mental state
- MentalModel
- MentalModels
- mentec_exploring_2024
- mercenary
- mere-choice
- Merrill 2022 "The Origins of Russian Literary Theory"
- message
- messiah
- meta
- Meta
- meta-knowledge
- metacognition
- metacognition is for cognitive control
- metaphor
- metaphor for brains
- metaphoric thinking makes us human
- metaphysics
- Method
- method of learning
- MethodofLearning
- methods of anthropology
- metric
- metta
- Mexico-America Border Cities
- MeyersBriggs
- middle path
- MiddleAges
- MiddleClass
- MiddleEast
- MiddleEastHistoryWithNazarian
- middlemarch
- midwife
- migration
- Migration
- Mike and Psmith
- Mill
- mind
- mind as a container
- mind beyond brain
- mind body problem
- mind body problem in Aristotle
- mind brain and meaning spring 2022 uchicago
- mind of god
- mind reading
- mind reading is prior to introspection
- mindfulness
- Mindfulness
- Mindhacker
- mindreading
- mindshaping
- Minuchin
- miracle
- mirror neurons
- mirror test
- Misanthrope
- misinformation
- mismeasure of man
- misotheism
- mistake
- misunderstand
- Misunderstand
- Misunderstanding
- mit "Theory of City Form" course summer 2022
- mixed emotion
- mnemonic
- mock
- modal confusion
- modal logic
- model
- model construction in science
- model of speech recognition
- model of wisdom
- model that warps our thinking
- modeling what we don't understand
- models gone wrong
- Moderation
- moderator
- modern
- Modern and Postmodern Urbanism
- modern city transformation
- modern conception of language
- modern noncontextuality and postmodern contextuality/noncontextuality
- modern obsession with individuality
- modern physics
- modern science explains mechanically not purposively
- modern state
- modern urbanism
- modern vs traditional
- modernism and consciousness
- modernity
- modernity's deal is power for meaning
- modes of thinking can be visible and material
- modular
- module
- Monad
- Monarchy
- monastic
- money
- money is the end itself
- Mongul
- Monopoly
- monotheistic
- montaigne
- montaigne introspection
- montesquieu
- Monty Python
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- monument
- Moore
- moore_effects_2024
- Moore's paradox
- moral
- moral education
- Moral Foundations Theory
- moral luck
- moral panic
- moral realism
- moral reasoning and wise reasoning
- moral relativism
- moral truth
- Morality
- MoralObjectivity
- Morals
- more satisfaction with disposables than durables
- More's Utopia
- MorningHabits
- Morris
- morrisAwarenessImplicitAttitudes2023b
- Moscow
- Moscow Logic Circle
- Moscow Methodological Circle
- most people on earth are dualists
- most relationships end
- Most Salient Moments and Memories from Each Year
- motivation
- motivation for ego loss
- Movement
- movie
- movies
- Mrs. Dalloway
- Much Ado About Nothing
- mules and men
- multi agent model of mind
- multiculturalism and feminism
- multiple object tracking
- multiple people
- multiple rounds game theory
- multiply realizable
- Multiverse
- murder
- Murder
- museum
- music
- Musicophilia: Oliver Sacks
- mutation
- Muybridge
- my aesthetics
- my bat mitzvah
- my best self
- my cbtlearning project
- my current views on meditation
- My Dinner with Andre
- my emotional control experiment
- my experience watching movies
- my favorite classical pieces
- my favorite haiku
- my favorite literature
- my favorite movies
- my feynman dozen questions
- my fiction writing
- my goal of making the strange familiar
- my habits
- my ideal person mythology
- my irrationalities
- my life ambition
- My life ambition.pdf
- my life timeline
- my meaning of life
- my meditation project
- My Mind to me a Kingdom Is
- my need to be constantly productive
- my negative view of my past
- my nonconformity
- my personal mythology
- my personality
- my poison phase
- my relation to romanticism
- my satisfaction before success project
- my sense of style
- my unusual mental experience
- my utopia mythology
- my visual art
- my worst self
- my writing goal
- myside bias
- myth
- myth more explanatory than history
- myth of the cave
- myth of the given
- N400
- naive
- Naive
- naïve utility calculus
- names
- Napoleon
- narcissism
- narrator
- NartkerEtAl2022SensitivityVisualFeaturesInattentionalBlindness
- NartkerEtAlSixWaysFailingSeeWhy2023
- nationalism
- Native
- natural
- natural disaster
- natural kind
- natural law
- natural philosophy: philosophy should be rooted in what is
- natural selection caused the industrial revolution
- NaturalDisasters
- naturalism
- naturalness of hierarchy
- nature
- Nature
- nature and artifice
- nature complicates
- nature never blunders
- nature or nurture
- Nazi
- near-term
- Necessary
- need
- need for closure
- need for cognition
- need for meaning in life and need for spirituality
- needing to externalize to clarify my thoughts
- needs attention
- needs removal
- NeedsExcision
- NeedsPhotograph
- Negel
- Nelson Goodman
- neo platonism
- neoliberalist
- nepotism
- neural net
- Neurath
- neuroanthropology
- neuron
- Neuroscience
- neuroscience education
- neuroscience of consciousness
- neutral
- neutral city
- Never Let me Go
- new
- New
- New Excision
- new methods allowing for new understanding
- new or stretch experiences as acollege freshman
- new take on what was initially unappealing
- New Tiddler
- New Tiddler 1
- New Tiddler 10
- New Tiddler 11
- New Tiddler 2
- New Tiddler 3
- New Tiddler 4
- New Tiddler 5
- New Tiddler 6
- New Tiddler 7
- New Tiddler 8
- New Tiddler 9
- new way of being human during communism
- newellUnconsciousInfluencesDecision2014
- NewMethods
- news
- Newton
- NewYorkBookReview
- Nietzsche
- nihilism
- NineteenthCentury
- Nisbett and Wilson Telling More Than We Can Know
- nisbetthaloeffectevidence1977b
- no baseline criminal level without lead
- no easing into capitalism in russia
- no happiness or meaning without suffering
- no man is an island
- no need to discuss basic facts of life
- noa at frat party
- noa care and feeding
- noa idea
- noa thought
- Noa's subagents
- noas musings
- noas wisdom
- Nobel
- noble savage
- noise
- Noises Off
- non functional artifact vs. utilitarian art
- non-associative learning
- non-cultural content is culturally bound
- non-local dependencies
- non-plan
- nonsense
- norm
- norm violation
- normative
- Norms
- norms are easier when they match our natural psychology
- nosology of thought
- nostalgia
- not acting just because of self definition
- not cutting off sources of happiness
- not only genetics changes biology
- not-I
- notes
- notes from
- notes from neuroscience conversations
- notes from underground
- notes from virtue education
- Notes on Instrumental Ensemble
- notes on learning to write
- notes on sequences
- nothing and everything
- nothing is ever set in stone
- notice
- Noticing
- noticing vs ignoring the unexpected
- Notre Dame
- Nuance
- nuclear apocalypse
- nuclear weapons
- Numb
- number
- number sense
- NumberOfIdeas
- numeracy
- nutrient
- nutrition
- object
- Object
- objective
- objective distance
- objective universal human values
- objectivity and subjectivity
- observation
- Observation
- Obsession
- obsolescence
- Obvious
- occam's razor
- Occasionalist
- october
- octopus
- oh_self-other_2024
- old
- olfaction
- olsonAttitudesSocialBehavior2003
- olsonemulatingfutureneurotechnology2023
- olsonEmulatingFutureNeurotechnology2023
- Olympics
- Once and Future King
- one
- One Art by Bishop
- One Dimensional Man
- one on one instruction
- one solution many problems
- online cultural activities
- online museums
- only skin deep
- ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
- ontological
- opacity of other minds
- opacity of our own minds
- open
- open culture
- open mindset
- open plan
- open question
- open source
- open vs closed individualism
- Open-endedness and Prophecy in Urbanism
- open-minded
- open-mindedness about normative values
- openminded
- OpenSocrates
- operation
- operationalism conventionalism realism
- opinion
- opponent process
- opponent processing
- Opportunity
- opportunity for play
- opposite
- Opposite
- opposites
- oppression
- optimal grip
- optimal iterated prisoners dilemma
- optimism
- optimism and malthus
- optimism and pesimism
- optimize
- oratory
- order
- Order
- orders of understanding
- Ordinary
- organic
- organic model of the city
- organization
- organize
- organized
- origial sin is part of western culture
- origin of consciousness Jaynes
- Origin of Species published 1859
- original sin
- Origins of the Human Mind
- ornament
- osmosis
- Other
- other minds
- other people
- ought
- ought implies can
- our beliefs can shape what is true
- our culture punishes bad behavior but treats good behavior as the default
- our inner voices make us human
- our sentence parses are not complete
- out of the system
- out-group
- outcome bias
- outgroup bias
- output
- outside view
- over engineering
- overconfidence
- overconsumption
- Overproduction
- overwhelm
- Overwhelm
- overwhelming
- overwhelming illusion
- Owen
- own
- own good
- p-zombies
- P600
- Pacifism
- pain
- pain and predictive processing
- pain tolerance
- Pandemic
- panic
- Panicking
- panicking vs choking
- Panopticon
- pao
- PaoList
- Papacy
- papal election simulation
- Paper
- paradigm
- paradox
- paradox choice traditions
- paradoxes of social media
- paradoxical intervention
- parallel distributed network
- parallel processing
- paralyzed
- parapsychology
- Parasitism
- parent
- Parenting
- parents teach their children to lie
- Paris
- park
- parmenides
- parser
- parsing
- PartiallyExaminedLife
- participatory knowing
- participatory planning
- particle physics
- particular
- particularism
- particularity is the universal human experience
- partisan congruency effect
- Party
- Pascal
- Pascal's Wager
- passion
- Passion
- passive
- PassiveAndActive
- passivity
- past
- past self
- Patents
- paternalistic
- pathological science
- pathological science criteria
- Patience
- Patient
- Patriotic
- Patriotism
- patron
- patron-client relationship
- pattern
- patterns in fiction
- patterns in random noise
- patterns of societal pessimism
- Paul
- Pax Romana
- Peace
- PeakEndBias
- peer
- Peirce
- people
- people assumed the American Experiment would fail because the average person would vote for nonsense
- people become individuals through society
- people enjoy persuading others
- people for balcony
- people get interested in the things that don't come naturally to them because they have to think it through consciously
- People to Reconnect with
- people want change
- people who attract tragedy
- perceived bias in others
- perception
- perceptual entitlement vs. dogmatism
- Peresverant
- perfect
- perfect pitch
- performance comfort
- performative utterance
- peripatetic power structures
- perseverance
- Perseverant
- Persistance
- personal
- personality
- Personify
- perspective
- persuasion
- Pessimism
- Peter Strawson
- Peter the Great
- Phenomenology
- Philadelphia Story
- philia
- Philisophical Investigations
- PhillipsScepticismUnconsciousPerceptionDefaultHypothesis2021
- philological paradigm
- philology
- Philosophe
- philosophical zombie
- philosophy
- Philosophy
- Philosophy in Are you Still Noa
- Philosophy of Death from Yale
- philosophy of mind
- philosophy of science
- philosophy of the humanities
- philosophy summary project
- philosophy summary project/20211228223619341
- philosophy summary project/20211228223731483
- phoneme
- Photography
- physical
- physical symbol system hypothesis
- physics
- physics in the renaissance
- physics of urbanism
- physics with jeff
- Piaget
- piety
- piety causes the corruption of the church
- pilgrimage
- Pinker
- PinkerRepresentationsDecisionRulesTheorySelfdeception2011
- pious
- Pirates of Penzance
- pity
- Place
- Placebo
- places
- places for disagreement in aclaim
- places in the world
- plague
- plagues and people
- plan
- Plan
- PlanetFunny
- planned city
- planning
- planning fallacy
- PlanningIsWhatMakesHumansDifferent
- Plans
- plants at different stages of growth (starting from seeds)
- plasticity
- Plato
- Plato doesn't want you to trust Socratic dialogs
- platypus
- Platypus
- plausible deniability
- play
- play fighting
- playful invention
- playing god
- pleasure
- Pleasure
- pleasures dont differ qualitatively
- plot
- Plot
- Plotinus
- poem
- poetry
- Poetry
- poetry as a dance to fill in the indescribable
- pohlnoreductionhindsight1996
- pohlNoReductionHindsight1996
- poison
- Polarized
- poliphanic writing
- polite
- Politeness
- Politeness theory
- politic
- political art
- political theory
- PoliticalTheory
- politician
- politics
- poll
- pollute
- polymath
- Polymath
- poor
- Poor
- poorly done science
- pop-art
- Popper
- popular
- Population
- popup external
- PopupFootnotes
- popupStyle
- Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
- Positivist
- PosNP
- possession
- possibility
- Possible
- possible as long as you dont know its impossible
- possible world
- post-hoc
- post-modern
- post-structural theory of self
- Post-urbanism
- post-war suspicion of modernity
- postmodern
- postmodern irony
- postmodern urbanism
- postmodernism and transegoism
- potential
- potentiall
- Poverty
- poverty of the stimulus
- power
- power and control
- power of language
- Powerhungry
- practical
- Practical Wisdom 2024
- practice
- Practice
- pragmatic theory of truth
- pragmatic virtues
- pragmatics
- Pragmatism
- praxis
- pray
- precedent
- precis
- predict
- predictable world
- prediction
- prediction learning method
- predictions for next few years
- pregnancy and olfaction
- prejudice
- preparadness bias
- Preparation
- Prepared
- Preregistering
- prescriptive
- prescriptive grammar
- present
- preserve
- presleep habits
- presocratic
- prestige
- pretension, irony, cynicism
- price discrimination
- Pride
- Pride and Prejudice
- prime
- primitive
- Princess Ida
- Principia Mathematica
- principle of mediocrity
- prior
- prioritarianism
- priors come from experience
- Prison
- prisoner's dilema
- privacy
- private
- private language
- private property and communism
- PrivateChunk
- Privilege
- privileged access
- probability
- Probability
- problem
- problem of evil
- problem of induction
- problem of modernity
- problem of perception
- problem solving
- problem solving in different fields
- Problems
- problems of introspection
- ProblemsAreSolvable
- procedural knowledge
- process
- Process
- process model of emotion regulation
- procrastination
- produce
- producer consumer incentives
- production
- productive
- productive exercise
- Productivity
- Profit
- Profound
- profound conversation
- profound conversation starter
- progress
- prohibition
- project
- projects
- Projects Table
- proninbiasblindspot2002
- proninKuglervaluingthoughtsignoring2007
- proninObjectivityEyeBeholder2004
- proninperceptionmisperceptionbias2007
- proninPerceptionMisperceptionBias2007
- proninValuingThoughtsIgnoring2007
- proof
- Proof of God's Existence
- property
- proposed active learning prediction method
- proposition
- proposition that can be true but I can never rationally believe
- propositional attitudes
- Propp
- Propp, trans. Forrester (1928, 2012) "The Russian Folktale"
- prosocial arguments
- prosthetic
- protagoras
- Protagoras Plato
- Protagorus
- protect
- Protestant
- Protestant Work Ethic
- prototype
- Proust metacognition
- provoke
- prune
- pruning language learning
- pseudo kinship
- pseudoscience
- psmith
- PsychClub
- psychedelics
- psycho-technology
- psychoanalysis
- psycholinguistics
- psychological anthropology
- psychological anthropology 2023
- psychological anthropology of emotions
- psychological drive
- psychological space
- psychological structuralism
- psychological urbanism
- psychology
- Psychology
- psychology of living in the city
- psychotherapy
- public
- Public
- Public and Private Space
- public architecture symbolizes and encourages civility.
- public health
- public speaking
- Publication
- publishing null results
- pun
- punch line
- punish
- Punish
- punishing others for being "too" generous
- Punishment
- punishment game theory
- pure concept
- pure consciousness
- pure math
- purgatory
- purity
- purity and danger
- purpose
- purpose of art
- purpose of humor
- put label on ally
- put my money where my mouth is
- Putnam's Bowling Alone
- Puzzle
- Pygmalion
- pyrrho
- pythagoras
- Pythagorus
- PythonTiddlywiki
- quaker
- quaker education
- quaker meeting
- qualia
- qualitative
- quality
- quality without a name
- quantitative
- quantity
- quantity before quality
- quantum mechanics
- question
- question conventional wisdom
- questioner
- questioning
- questions about buddhism
- questions about essay on Wittgenstein and rules
- questions and thoughts on religion and spirituality
- questions for introductory physics class
- questions for platypus
- questions I have about the mind
- Questions on wisdom and money making
- questions to ask a new area
- quick modernization
- quick thinking
- Quine
- Quine-Duhem thesis
- race
- racism
- radical
- radical honesty
- radical hope and gratitude Johnathan Lear
- raft and pyramid
- rain
- random
- random button
- randomized controlled trial
- rapport
- rather prove will than act rationally
- rational
- rational actor
- rational choice theory
- Rational Speech Act Model
- rationalist habits
- rationality
- rationality and spirituality
- rationality and values in decisions
- rationalization
- Ravel quartet
- reaching perfection is atragedy
- react
- reaction
- reactive
- reactive devaluation
- reader response criticism
- reader- author
- reading
- reading against the grain
- reading people
- ready for death
- real
- real and fake laughter
- real-world applications of the neuroscience of consciousness
- realism
- Realism
- realism in Fathers and Sons
- realism vs naturalism
- reality
- reality in german idealism
- reality is understandable
- reality tv
- realizer state
- reason
- reason and culture
- reason as memetic immune disorder
- reason giving
- reason giving is valued in WEIRD cultures
- reason vs tradition
- reasons for correlation
- rebel against authority
- rebellion
- rebellion against authority
- rebuilding after destruction
- reciprocal knowing
- reciprocity
- recognition
- Recommended Listening Order
- Recommended plugins
- recording
- recording conversations
- recursion
- recycling
- reduction
- reductionism
- reductive
- Reeling for the empire
- Reference
- referential
- refining can be more delicate and elegant or more functional
- reflect
- reflection
- reflection can be trained
- reflective
- Reflective Wisdom Account
- reflex
- reform
- reform pushes us towards revolution
- reform will lead to progress
- Reformation
- refresh
- refutation
- refutation of eliminative materialism
- refute or be refuted
- rehearsal
- reification
- reification of wisdom
- reincarnation
- reinforcement learning
- relation
- relation between environmental and social change
- relationship
- relationship between credence and belief
- relationship between expertise and epistemic humility
- relationship between need for closure and need to solve problems
- relationship between romanticism and postmodernism
- relationship between science and philosophy
- relationship between sprawl and social capital
- relationship value tool
- relative
- relativism
- relativist
- relativity of wrong
- relevance realization
- relief theory
- relieved
- religion
- religion laying groundwork for science
- religions today are reactive not creative
- reminder
- removal of details is how communication and thought work
- renaissance
- Renaissance
- Renaissance 2024
- renaissance questioning of freedom
- rennaissance questioning what is man
- repair
- repeat
- replica
- replication
- Report for "Lessons Learned + Things to Remember"
- representation
- repression
- repression of ourselves
- reproducibility
- reproduction
- republic
- republican
- republicanist
- reputation
- reputation game theory
- requirements for intelligence
- requirements for Socratic interlocutor
- Reread The Meaning Of Culture
- research
- research that elucidates a problem instead of solving it
- research thoughts to ponder occasionally
- research to fact check sleep studies
- resemblance view of images
- resilience
- resilience in building
- resilient
- resist
- resize toolbar icons
- resolution
- resolutions
- resolutions2021
- resource
- resource curse
- resources
- respect
- response
- responsibility
- responsible
- rest
- Restaurant (1)
- restorative cs
- retrieval
- retrieve
- return to greatness
- revelation
- revenge
- reversal
- reverse advice
- revisionist history
- revolution
- revolution is the only way to make progress
- revolutionary art with and without a purpose
- reward
- rhetoric
- rhetorical tactic of confusion
- rhythm
- Ricardo
- rich
- riddle
- Riggle's Law of Outliers
- right
- Right Ho, Jeeves
- Right Reasons View
- right to life is most fundamental value
- right to the city
- right-handed
- rights
- rights are about allowing society to change itself and allow us to change ourselves
- risk
- rite of passage
- ritual
- ritual test
- rituals without understanding words
- roadblocks lead to creativity
- Robert Moses
- Robert Owen
- Robie House
- robot
- role
- role of religion
- role of the reader in Socratic dialogs
- Roman Empire
- Roman Jakobson
- Roman Jakobson LINGUISTICS AND POETICS Structuralism: "for" and "against". Moscow, 1975
- Romantic
- romanticism altered states of consciousness
- romanticism is about bias
- romanticization of violence
- rome
- Rome
- room decoration ideas
- rooms
- Rorty
- rosa luxemburg
- Rosencrantz and Gilderstern are Dead
- Rousseau
- Rousseau discourses
- routine
- routine checklists
- ruductio ad absurdum
- ruin
- rule
- rules of art
- ruling
- rumor
- Russell
- Russell's Paradox
- Russell's preface to Wittgenstein's Tractatus
- russia
- Russia
- russian
- russian literature
- russian philosophy
- russian philosophy struggles against itself
- Russian thought with Elena
- russian with kit
- rusty tap method
- Ruth Benedict
- s topics
- s& s& sconcept
- S&S&S
- S&S&S Chicago 2024
- sacred
- sacred and profane
- sacrifice
- sadness
- safe
- safety
- safety behavior
- saganawarningscounterchoice2018
- saganaWarningsCounterChoice2018
- sage
- Sagen's Cosmos
- saint
- Saki
- Saki The Schartz-Metterklume Method
- salience
- salient
- salvation
- same
- sanctity and degradation
- Sapir
- sappho
- sartre
- SAT score
- Satan
- satire
- saturnalia
- Saussure
- savage_how_2024
- savelson_learned_2024
- saving face
- saying something is doing something
- scale
- scapegoat
- scarce
- scarcity
- schedule optimizing
- Schelling
- schelling point
- schema theory
- scholastic
- school
- school conversations
- school is for exposure to the variety of weird social experiences
- Schopenhauer
- Schwartz and Sharpe wisdom model
- sci fi
- science
- science and religion
- science and relition are at odds
- science around the world
- science assumes reality
- science is itterative
- science journal club
- science literacy increased polarization
- science magazine
- science ruins the mystery of the world
- science through practical technology
- scientific control
- scientific method
- scientific optimism
- scientific process
- scientific racism
- scientific realism vs. scientific empiricism
- Scientific Revolution
- scientific take on reality
- scientific test of religion
- scope
- Scott Alexander
- Screen Shot 2021-11-24 at 5.13.00 PM.png
- Screenshot 2024-12-15 at 16.39.12.png
- Screenshot 2024-12-15 at 16.46.33.png
- scrutinize
- Searle
- secular
- sedentary
- see
- segment
- segregation
- Selections from Sappho
- self
- self assertive
- self control
- self correction strategies
- self definition
- self experiment
- self fulfilling prophecy
- self independent of consciousness
- self referentiality
- self reinforcement
- self serving bias
- self-deception
- self-distancing
- self-domestication
- self-doubt
- self-fulfilling prophesy
- self-knowledge
- self-knowledge and the other
- self-regulation
- self-serving bias
- self-sufficient
- self-sustain
- Self-Therapy by Jay Earley
- selfish
- Sellars
- semantic
- semantic knowledge
- Semantic syntax of the icon. /SEMIOTICS OF THE ICON/ B. A. Uspensky 1995
- semantics
- semiotics
- senghor
- sense
- sense data
- sense of direction
- senses
- senses can be deceived
- sensors
- sensory
- sensory sensitivity
- sentence processing
- separate premises from argument
- separate the artist from the art
- separation
- separation of powers
- serious
- set
- set up automatic anki stats
- Setup
- sex
- sh
- Shakers
- shakespeare
- Shakespeare in the Bush
- shaman
- shame
- Shannon
- Shannon Information Theory (then look into the nuttier views of Wolfram on this. He wrote a thick book about how everything is an algorithm.)
- shape your life
- shared
- shared narratives give humans power
- sharp
- Shchedrovitsky
- Shengeli
- Shengeli: Technique of Verse 1940
- shibboleth
- shivering
- Shklovsky
- short term memory
- shortcut
- shorthand
- should theories try to account for everything?
- show off
- showing emotion appreciating art
- showing off
- shreya
- Shweder
- sidewalk
- signal
- signal and noise
- signal theory
- signaling
- signaling theory
- signals and symbols
- significance cs
- signified
- signifier
- silence
- silly
- silvanto_aphantasia_2024
- sily
- similar
- simple
- simplify
- simplify then complicate
- simplifying
- simulacra
- simulacra levels of conversation
- simulate
- simulation
- sin
- sisyphus
- situation
- situation that calls for wisdom
- situations that inspire wittiness
- sixth sense
- skeptic
- skepticism about credences
- skepticism about ideal rationality
- skil
- skill
- skills are achievable
- Skinner
- Sklovsky and Potebnya
- Sklovsky and the Symbolists
- skyscraper
- slave
- slave morality
- slavery
- slavery culture
- sleep
- sleep and insight
- sleep science flaws
- Slobin
- slur
- slurs are a type of trolling
- small world network
- Small Worlds
- smell
- smile
- smiles and laughter are hard to fake signals
- snippet for mit urban planning course
- soceity and culture
- social
- social capital
- social constructivism
- social contract
- social conversational norms and epistemic norms
- social curiosity in children and chimpanzees
- social darwinism
- social desirability
- social effect of space
- social emotions
- social epistemology 2023
- social evolutionism
- social media
- social norm
- social norms and epistemic norms
- Social Psychological Skill
- social psychology
- social skills
- social status
- social structure
- socialism
- socialism is conservative
- socialist realism
- socialists socializing
- socialization
- societal breakdown
- societal ethics negative or positive
- societal experiment
- societal reinvention
- societal trust in collectivist and individualist societies
- society
- society and culture
- sociology
- sociology beneath the surface
- Socrates
- Socrates and humor
- Socrates literacy is bad for us
- socratic
- Socratic
- Socratic freedom or coercion
- Socratic Intellectualism
- Socratic Intellectualism Callard Autumn 2024
- Socratic irony
- Socratic knowledge and virtue
- socratic method
- Socratic optimism
- solipsism
- solitary confinement
- solve
- some initial thoughts about cbt
- Something Fresh
- something from nothing
- song imagine
- songs in pheobe
- Sonnet 130: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun
- Sonnet en X
- sophist
- Sorites Paradox
- soul
- sound
- source
- source list
- Soviet
- space
- space and social structure
- space syntax
- spaced repetition
- spaceship earth
- spatial
- specialization
- specific
- spectator
- spectra of attention
- spectrum
- spectrum of consciousness and self
- spectrum of how well science is done
- speech act
- speech act theory
- speech error
- speech perception
- speed
- Speer
- spinoza
- spirited away
- spiritual
- spirituality
- spirituality hierarchy of pleasure
- spirituality is an important component of wisdom
- split brain
- spontaneous
- spooky action at a distance
- spooky action at a distance? Both in [[quantum mechanics
- sport
- sports
- spotlight
- spotlight effect
- sprangersconstructivereplicationwhites1987
- sprangersConstructiveReplicationWhites1987
- spretzatura
- St. Petersburg
- stability
- stability of belief in the face of new evidence
- stack
- stage
- Stalin
- Stalin vs. Ilyenkov
- standards are set by humans
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy
- starnsmetamnemoniccontroldiscriminability2007
- starnsMetamnemonicControlDiscriminability2007
- starting
- starting again from the beginning
- starting from scratch looks like presocratic philosophy
- state
- state of consciousness
- state of nature
- stateless society
- statistical uncertainty
- statistics
- Statistics How To
- status
- status quo
- status quo bias
- steadfast
- stereotype
- stochastic
- stock
- Stoic
- storage
- stories
- strange shapes in the sky: a guide
- stranger
- strategy
- strategy for area I haven't tried
- Strauss
- strawman
- stream of consciousness
- stream of consciousness writing
- street
- strength
- strength and weakness as sides of the same coin
- stress
- stretching habit
- strong
- strong AI
- structural family therapy
- structural functionalism
- structuralism
- structuralist
- structure
- structure in architecture
- stub
- stubborn
- stubbornness
- Stubbornness
- stuborness
- stupid
- style
- stylesheet changes
- suave manipulative charismatic cultured villain
- subagent
- subject
- subjective
- subjectivity
- subjectivity of realism in art
- sublimation
- Sublime
- sublime and beautiful
- subliminal
- suburb
- Suburbs and Periphery
- success
- success in Socratic dialogs
- suffer
- suffrage
- suggestion
- suicide
- sulfite and bromide theory
- sulfite bromide reverse badging
- summer when I learned how much I loved learning
- sunk cost fallacy
- super forecasters
- superior
- superior and inferior
- superiority
- superiority and inferiority
- supernatural
- superordinate
- superstition
- supply
- suppression
- surface
- surgery
- surprisal
- surprise
- surreal
- survival
- survival of the fittest
- survivorship bias
- suspend judgement
- Swear by the Moon
- symbiosis
- symbol
- symbolic
- symbolic anthropology
- symbolist
- Symbolist
- symmetry of disagreement
- sympathetic magic
- symposium project
- synaesthesia
- synchronization
- synchronized
- synchrony
- syntax
- syntax processing
- synthesis between thinking fast and slow
- system
- systematic uncertainty
- systems that build into themselves their own mutability
- taboo
- tactical urbanism
- Tag view tiddlymap
- take notes on geb
- taking astep back
- taking ideas seriously
- talking about what interests them
- talking to yourself
- Taran Wanderer
- Tarski
- taste gap
- tautological
- tax
- taylorism
- teaching
- teaching is helping someone remember something that their immortal soul has always known but they have forgotten
- technique
- technology
- technology and art
- technophobe and technophile cycles
- technophobephobia
- teenager
- tektology
- telegram to sheets bot
- teleological history
- telepathy
- template
- temple
- temporal
- temporal introspection
- temporary
- temptation
- ten lessons rota
- TenLessonsRota
- tension
- terracotta warriors
- terrible freedom
- terror management theory
- test
- test 2
- test123
- test3
- testimonial injustice
- textbook
- thales
- thales compare
- thanking people for doing ordinary things
- The Absolute
- The Apology Plato
- the audience is implicated and powerless in tragedies
- the autonomy of syntax
- the beginning of infinity deutsch
- the best way to deceive is to get you to deceive yourself
- The Better Angels of Our Nature
- The Big Bang Theory
- the body affects language
- The Book of the Courtier
- the challenge challenge
- The Chronicles of Prydain
- the city and power
- the city as complex system
- The Clouds
- the community becomes stronger because of the lost building
- the concept of the left kolalowski
- The Crysanthemum and the Sword
- The Dawn of Everything
- The Death and Life of Great American Cities
- the death of the left
- the decision not to act is still adecision
- the deepest problem of human interaction is translation
- The Dispossessed
- the easier something is the process, the more likely we are to think it’s true
- the easy problem
- the equal weight view is incoherent
- the first question that comes to mind
- the globalized world is flattened
- the goal of the humanities is to give you access to someone else's experience
- The Good Place
- The Gossage—Vardebedian Papers By Woody Allen
- The Graphical Display of Quantitative Information
- The Happy Prince
- the hard problem
- the harder problem
- the hedonistic treadmill is good
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- The Housing Question
- The Housing Question Engels
- the human mind has limited storage capacity
- the iron rule of science
- the job of the historian is to uncover futures past
- the journey is the point
- the joy of thinking
- The Lady or the Tiger
- The Lanyard by Billy Collins
- the left becomes the right when utopia is achieved
- the longer you've known someone, the longer you are allowed to pause in conversations
- the magnet becomes the container
- The making of the modern mind
- The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat
- the meaning of culture
- The Mikado
- The Mind Illuminated
- the mind is a passive sense organ
- the modern west has more in common with hunter-gatherers than early agriculturalists
- the modern West is drastically different from other times and places
- the modern world is too complicated
- the mortal author
- the most popular people are the ones who lie the best
- the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest
- The Murder of Roger Akroyd
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles
- The Nose
- the Oedipus complex is universal
- the only way to make progress
- The Oregon Experiment
- the person who sets the problem is in control
- the phantom tollbooth
- the pill
- the place of life in nature
- The Plato Cult and Other Philosophical Follies (
- the point of love is to seek the truth together
- The Power of Focusing, by Ann Weiser Cornell
- The Prime of Miss Jeane Brodie
- The Purloined Letter
- The Real
- The Real Inspector Hound
- The Remains of the Day
- The River of Consciousness
- The Roman Republic: A Very Short Introduction
- The Russian Folktale Propp
- The scythe
- The Seated Demon
- the secret
- the secret of humanity's success is not intelligence but cultural evolution
- The Secret of our Success
- the self across cultures
- the Socratic method is egotistical
- the Socratic Method is set up to bring out the best in both parties
- The Spy who Came in from the Cold
- The Strategy of Conflict
- the surface of a skyscraper with abstract designs inside
- The Symposium
- The Theory of the "Formal Method"
- The thing about Cassandra
- the thing the enlightenment got right was creating atradition of criticism
- The Third Man
- The Three Musketeers & Sequels
- The time machine
- The Truman Show
- the tyranny of merit
- the ultimate good is reason
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being
- The Universal Language Ives
- the unknowable other
- the upper class across countries may have more in common than the upper and lower classes within a country
- The WEIRDest People in the World
- the west is shaped by search for good explanations
- The wife’s story
- The World is too Much with us
- the world under communism
- theater
- TheBeginningOfInfinityDeutsch
- theist religions sanctify humans
- theme
- themed day
- themed lenses to learn through
- Then Cyberiad Michael kandel
- theorietical virtues
- theory
- theory of mind
- theory of mind training causes honest young children to lie
- Theory of Prose
- theory of truth
- theory-laden
- therapist
- therapy
- there are no unchangable laws marxism
- there is always something that could change my mind
- there is an emotional element to every schema
- there is no human without culture
- there is no need for philosophy when you have science
- there is no such thing as philosophical progress
- they don't make polymaths like they used to
- thin slice judgement accuracy
- thing-in-itself
- things fall apart
- things in themselves
- Things to do
- things to do in between projects
- things will get canceled. It is okay to cancel things.
- think
- think aloud method
- thinking disposition
- thinking fast and slow
- Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts
- thinking is a cooperative activity
- thinking is simulating a conversation
- thinking pumps
- thinking requires both refutation and assertion in two separate people
- thinking without language
- Third Dogma of Empiricism
- third person perspective
- This Is Just To Say by William Carlos Williams
- Thoreau
- thought
- thought experiment
- thought-listing
- threat
- three dimentional character
- three kinds of rationality
- three links
- three studies on introspection from Adam Morris
- Tiberius
- Tiberius perspective shifting
- Tiberius reflective value
- Tichner
- tiddly map
- tiddly map!!
- tiddly wiki
- tiddly wiki note taking practices
- tiddly wiki5
- TiddlyMap!!
- TiddlyWiki
- TiddlyWiki Macro Editable Table Cell
- tie between socialism and fascism
- Tillich
- time
- time as cosmic history
- tip of the tongue
- to discuss mullee office hour
- to do
- to finish
- To His Coy Mistress
- to learn
- To Learn
- To Learn Table
- to look back on
- to read
- To Read Table
- to show
- to talk about with professor k
- to teach you have to remember what it was like to be abeginner
- To the Lighthouse
- To Watch
- to what extent does pressure on individuals distract from pressure on larger societal structures?
- Tocqueville
- tolerance
- tolstoy
- Tolstoy
- tomb
- tool
- tool and way of viewing the world
- Toolbar option to maximize tiddler width
- ToP
- top down
- top down group planning
- top of my mind
- top-down
- topic
- Touching Enlightenment
- tower of babble
- toxicology
- tphistory of ideas
- TRACE model
- Tractatus
- trade
- tradition
- tragedy
- Tragedy
- tragedy and comedy
- tragedy of the commons
- trait
- transcendental idealism
- Transcendentalist
- transegoism
- transendental idealism
- transformative experience
- transgressive
- transhumanism
- transition
- translate
- translation
- translation tradeoffs
- transparent levels
- trauma
- travel
- treatment
- trial and error
- trick
- trolley problem
- trolling
- trouble
- true
- true self
- true self means moral code
- trust
- trust asymmetry
- trusting someone means you trust them to deceive you in prosocial ways
- trustworthy
- truth
- truth conditional semantics
- truth in bias
- truth theory of intentionality
- truth-seeking and biased intuition
- try
- trying too hard
- Tryptic of patterned boxes with shadow from image
- TsengPoppenkBrainMetastateTransitionsDemarcateThoughts2020
- ttf
- turing machine
- Turing Test
- turn off emotions to learn
- turning known information into problems
- tv
- tw-list:tags
- Twelfth Night
- twenty first century
- Two Dogmas of Empiricism
- two worlds
- type
- type of love
- TypeError
- types
- types in architecture
- ubermensche
- ubuntu
- uchicago
- ugly
- ugly duckling effect
- ultimate good
- ultimatum game
- Unbearable Lightness of being
- uncertainty
- uncertainty in measurement
- uncomfortable
- unconditional positive regard
- unconscious
- unconscious fury at socialists led to hitlers rise
- unconscious in Freud
- understand
- Understand Godel's Incompleteness
- understand ing comes before action
- Understand this thread at some point:ödels-theorem-not-obviou?rq=1
- understanding
- understanding medicine after physics
- undignified smile
- unexamined life is not worth living
- unexpected
- unification
- unified
- union
- unique
- unit
- unity
- universal
- universal and particular
- universal culture
- universal grammar
- universal law
- Universalism
- universalized science
- universe
- unlocking the emotional brain
- unnecessary
- unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics
- unreliable narrator
- Unsolved linguistics & philosophy problems
- unteaching must precede teaching
- until spiritual experience spirituality sounds like woo
- untitled
- Untitled 1
- Untitled 2
- unusual moral angle
- unversive
- update
- Update
- update version.js
- upgrade
- uphold social norms
- Upper Paleolithic Transition
- urban functionalism
- urban planning
- Urban Planning and Landscape Design
- urban socialism
- urban sprawl
- Ursula leguin
- use
- use other people to falsify your introspection
- use your ego for good
- useful
- useful predictions
- users in architecture
- ut eb
- utilitarian
- utilitarianism
- utility
- utopia
- Utopia
- utopia is negation
- utopian urbanism
- validity of ameasurement
- value
- value of divination
- value of personality tests
- values
- Vampires in the Lemon Grove
- variable
- variance problem
- variation
- Variations of the Death of Trotsky Ives
- variations on democracy
- vaudeville
- velez_rise_2024
- vengeful God
- Venice
- venom of the coral snake
- verbal
- veridical
- veridical mental states
- verificationism
- verify
- Versailles
- vertigo
- very bad wizards
- vibrant
- vicious cycle
- Victor Turner
- victorian obsession with death healthy?
- Vienna
- Vienna Circle
- Vienna transformation
- Viktor Frankl Logotherapy
- Viktor Shklovsky
- violence
- violin approximation of learning magic
- violin lineage
- violin viola case notes
- Vipère au poing et Qui j'ose aimer Hervé Bazin
- virginia woolfe
- virtue
- vision
- visions of a perfect building replace the destroyed original
- visual
- visual processing
- visual processing disorder
- Vlastos
- Voltaire
- vote
- VR by itself seems to lower pain
- Vrubel
- Vrubel Seated Demon and Symbolism
- vulnerable
- Vygotsky
- waiting for godot
- walled city
- Walter Benjamin
- war
- war and peace
- war and peace and violence
- warmth
- warriors
- wars of religion
- Wason selection test
- waste
- water
- way to integrate facts and values
- way to make socrates less annoying
- ways of knowing
- ways of thinking from physics
- ways to go wrong about the number three
- ways to have a marxist revolution
- ways to reach enlightenment
- we are often not trying to help out our listeners
- we are rarely conscious
- we are wired to deceive
- we can learn things about human behavior
- we can never understand the other
- we can train introspection
- we can't escape subjectivity when studying the mind
- we can't reduce qualia
- we don't have access to metacognition
- we don't have access to other people's minds
- we don't need meaning to describe a language
- we don't think when we're by ourselves
- we don't understand HSAM (highly superior autobiographical memory)
- we have the free will we care about
- we like having our minds read
- we like the familiar
- we lionize con artists
- we need unrealistic utopias to make realistic progress
- we rebel against evolutionary purpose
- we should obey natural law
- we understand ourselves by inferring from behavior
- we understand ourselves by learning from the outside view
- we would like aperfect human
- wealth
- wealth and poverty
- weapon of the weak
- Weber
- Weber's Law
- WeCanLearnThingsAboutHumanBehavior.
- weeding out good and bad people
- weeding out/gatekeeping/filtering
- Weekly Cogsci Papers
- WegnerPrecisIllusionConsciousWill2004
- wegnerVicariousAgencyExperiencing2004
- WegnerWheatleyApparentMentalCausation1999
- Wegovy
- WEIRD characteristics
- weird out
- welfare
- well done science
- well made play
- wellfare
- WellmanEtAlMetaAnalysisTheoryofMindDevelopmentTruthFalse2001
- were independence or interdependence earlier evolutionarily?
- Wernicke
- werther
- West
- westCognitiveSophisticationDoes2012
- westerberginstructionalwarningsreduce2006
- westerbergInstructionalWarningsReduce2006
- western absolute
- western culture
- westernizing
- wetzelhaloeffectrevisited1981
- wetzelHaloEffectRevisited1981
- wetzelHaloEffectRevisited1981a
- what are mental constituents
- what being yourself actually means
- what can we take away from thinkers
- what creates the northern lights
- what defines the west
- what do brains do?
- what do we owe to the people we study
- what does it mean to think?
- What does language do
- what evidence do we need to say something understands something
- what how why project approach
- what I find beautiful
- what I was doing and thinking about during different parts of my life
- what I would have liked in education
- what is a memory
- what is human variation like in metaphoric thinking?
- What is it Like to be a Bat
- what is language for
- what is life
- what is man
- what is sleep for
- what is the city
- what is the message of distopias?
- what is the purpose of education
- what is the use of navigating the system
- what is to be done
- what is wrong with our thoughts
- what leads to conspiracy theories
- what makes cultures evolutionarily fit
- what makes some traditions stickier than others?
- what makes someone feel foreign to you
- what makes something sacred
- what makes superiority humor funnier
- what makes us believe in the unintuitive
- what scale is culture on
- what the renaissance cared about
- what to do when bored while writing
- what to do when you don't like how something is framed
- what to do when you dont understand aphysics concept
- what to do when you're stuck on a physics problem
- what to do with a dichotomy
- What to Look For in a Local
- what unites people
- what we care about
- What were the main philosophical problems of the middle ages in europe?
- what would free will look like
- what's wrong with a homunculus theory
- whats the use of thinking with platonic ideals
- when can you betray?
- when chance saves me
- when did emotional expression become important in the west?
- when did emotional expression become important in the west?
- when did metaphoric thinking evolve?
- when does causation matter?
- When Einstein Walked With Godel
- when I dislike something new I tried
- When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer
- when is jargon good
- when no one needs to work what will society be
- when science not appropriate
- when something is part of our identity that protects us from changing our minds
- when we get to know individuals from an out-group, we humanize of them as individuals and exceptions to the rule, but continue to stereotype the group at large
- when you use opperationalist or conventionalist definitions
- when youve wasted time
- where does knowledge come from?
- where does the desire for domination come from?
- where is agency in economic and demographic models
- which is easier to see, intent or impact
- white lie
- Whitehead
- whither particle physics?
- Whiting model of ecocultural research
- who are your inner voices
- who I am
- who knows you best
- who needs language
- who to be around
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe
- whole
- whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- why are academic texts hard to read
- why are questions and answers so satisfying
- why aren't puns funny
- why arent adults as curious as children
- why astronomy as first science
- why bother with bad philosophy
- why can we learn things about our minds by paying attention to feelings in our bodies?
- why can't people who experience alien limbs know intellectually that they limb is actually theirs?
- why culture in the Renaissance
- why did Plato write the way he did?
- why did views on gay marriage change so dramarically and rapidly?
- why do factoids spread so well
- why do group differences exist
- why do kids lie if they have never had any evidence that their lies work?
- Why do some forms of cognitive dissonance make people double down while others make them change their minds?
- why do we like material objects
- why do we need intellectuals in marxism
- why does postmodernism reject originality?
- why don't we sit alone in a dark room if we care so much about minimizing prediction error?
- why is digital superior to analog?
- why is parapsychology so sticky?
- why is patriarchy the rule?
- why is science effective
- why isn't magic humor
- why learn
- why learn grammar
- why might a characteristic exist in all cultures?
- why mortify the flesh
- why realism or not in art
- Why Schopenhauer and Hegel were enemies
- why study cultures?
- why will a crisis in capitalism cause its fall
- wikipedia
- wild animal welfare
- wild city
- will
- will power
- will power as pain tolerance
- will power as resource
- will there be countries
- will to power
- William James
- WilloughbyEtAlFreedomBelieveFreeWillEvidence2024
- Wilson poster study
- wilsonaccuracyverbalreports1978
- wilsonAccuracyVerbalReports1978
- wilsonnewlookanchoring1996
- wilsonNewLookAnchoring1996
- WilsonSchoolerThinkingTooMuchIntrospectionCan1991
- wilsonSelfknowledgeItsLimits2004
- WilsonStrangersOurselvesDiscoveringAdaptiveUnconscious2002
- win
- wisdom
- wisdom is a tight coupling between what we find salient and what is true
- wisdom of crowds
- wisdom of emergent processes
- wise
- wish list
- wit
- witness
- Witness for the Prosecution
- Wittgenstein
- Wodehouse
- Wollstonecraft
- women and comedy
- wong_prediction_2024
- word
- word processing
- words
- words of wisdom for college
- Words Words Words Ives
- Wordsworth
- work
- worker
- workign with humans
- working conditions
- working memory
- working with humans
- working with people
- working with the system
- world war
- world where doing the right thing is easy
- World's Fair
- World’s Fair
- worldview changing
- worldviews sin vs. karma
- worldwide trends
- would there be science on a planet like Venus where you can't see the stars from the surface?
- write about the levels for each skill I'm learning -- what counts as passing each level and where I am
- writing
- writing ideas
- wrong
- Wunt
- ww2
- yawn
- yes and
- you and your research hamming
- You are a spring semester student
- you only live once
- You see a live performance of Das Lied Von Der Erde
- You start getting a headache
- You want rebuff sarcasm
- YouAndYourResearchHamming
- young people know better than adults
- your own considerations matter little but it matters that everyone does careful consideration
- zand d
- zeitgeist
- zen
- zeno of citium
- zeno of elea
- zero risk bias
- zero sum game
- zettel kasten
- zettelkasten
- Zinoviev
- zoning
- zora neale hursten
- zora neale hurston